Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Essay on “The Blessings of Peace” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on “The Blessings of Peace” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Blessings of Peace

Outline-: Everyone feels safe and secure – the country has a chance to progress – no money will be wasted – agriculture and normal occupations may be carried on – there is scope for the scientist and the artist to invent and create.

There is nothing like peace. During a war, a country is in a disturbed state. In peace time, everyone feels safe and secure. No one feels that his life or property might be destroyed at any time.

A country has a chance to progress when there is peace. It can plan all its activities for the advancement of its people. During war time, a lot of money is wasted on arms and equipment. The same money is utilized for public welfare in peace time.

Agriculture and other normal occupations may be carried on in times of peace. During war times the farmer has neither rest nor peace of mind to till his land or sow his crop. In other occupations too, all able-bodied, men are required to join the army in war time. So normal life is disrupted.

When there is peace, the scientist can carry on his research and the artist can create beautiful things. These activities cannot be carried on in war-time.

Most important of all is the fact that people are cairn and happy in times of peace. Families live happily together. Each one realises his ambitions in his own way. In war times people will live in constant worry. They do not know when they will get bad news and sorrow will enter their lives. So peace is preferable to war because of its many blessings.

Difficult Words: Nothing like peace-peace is the best thing. disturbed state-upset and worried condition. arms- weapon. public welfare-the good of the people. normal occupations-usual jobs. till his land-plough his land. disrupted-broken.


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