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Essay on “Indo-Pak Relations” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indo-Pak Relations

Essay No. 01

It is such a strange fact that, a country born out of India’ it own flesh and blood should be so very rebellious against India.

In the year 1947 when India got its independence from the British rule the leaders of the Muslim community in India demanded a separate state for themselves and they got it, Pakistan was born by the hacking off parts of India. However it is so very sad, and an irony of India’s fate that even after getting their demands fulfilled, Pakistan has never since independence been genuinely friendly with India it’s may we call, Creator. Ever since the year 1947, the relations of India and Pakistan have never been cordial. Pakistan has always been indulging in skirmishes small and big on the border with India. To this, India has also been continuously retaliating thus making the relationship rather bitter. The India Pakistan relationship can be compared to the relations of two brothers fighting for property rights and indulging in all possible tantrums.

This continuous bad feeling between India and Pakistan has resulted in Pakistan’s latest plans of terrorists’ attacks on India. This continued cold war shows the ultimate culmination of rage of Pakistan against India. For the last more than ten years and more, India has been facing Continuous terrorists attacks in Kashmir resulting in untold misery and an exodus of the minority community from Kashmir. With this sort of a continued tense relationship what could be the finale could be anyone’s guess. 

One point that is beyond a layman’s understanding is, how, a country so small and created by India’s goodwill could remain so very hostile and rebellious against India. How can any human become and then remain for so long a rebel against its own mentor and creator is beyond understanding and any reasoning. The latest sign of Pakistan’s hostile attitude against India could be witnessed when the Indian Prime Minister went on a friendly visit to Pakistan. At that juncture it is believed that, when the Prime Minister was in Lahore on a peace mission plans were being finalised for the Kargil operations. This truly and vividly depicts the mindset of the Pakistani Government, and the relations of India and Pakistan. 

It is, I must say India’s bad luck that, a neighbour who should be the clearest and closest friend is one of India’s most bitter enemies. With such a neighbour only God knows what the fate of the two countries would be in the prospect of a war. Besides this, it is so sad that, even after all the cajoling of the neighbour it has not become a friend. Instead, with the passage of so many years, Pakistan appears to be more bitter against India than ever before. It is beyond simple understanding how this little neighbour of ours can be made happy with us. God help us as, it is very important for both of us to know that a neighbour cannot be kept at bay, and neither can be kept unhappy. God help both of us.

Essay No. 02

India-Pakistan Relations

The relations between India and Pakistan have never been cordial. The bone of contention between the two countries is the state of Jammu and Kashmir. While India rightly declares this state an integral part of the country, Pakistan continues to claim that they have a right on it.

Pakistan has already fought three wars against India and has lost every time. Its attitude after its last defeat during the Kargil conflict has become more hardened than ever. It is openly training terrorists in its various camps and sending them to Kashmir with the crowed purpose of creating terror and inciting the local predominantly. Muslim population to rise in revolt against the Government of India. Thousands of innocent civilians and army and police personnel have been killed by these terrorists coming from across the border. Ever since partition, Pakistan’s psyche has never accepted ‘peace’. It has built itself on the spirit of belligerency and subsists on that vis-vis India. Pakistan has taken to aggression four times-1947, 1965 1971 and lastly in 1999 and every time has come to grief. Besides there have been proxy wars in the form of large scale infiltrations and low intensity conflicts. Despite adverse results in each war Pak continued with its anti-India posture.

Leaders feel that there is no need to feel discouraged because the previous peace talks failed miserably. If Shimla agreement had been honoured, most of the problems, particularly the border disputes would have settled once for all. But the military leaders did not let it happen. Then the talks were held in Agra after a very long gap. This was an utter failure. Still renowned efforts are on and it is hoped that under the U.S. pressure, Musharaf will try to resolve the issue now.

During the nuclear C.B.M. talks in New Delhi in June 2004, both the countries demonstrated a positive attitude to improve bilateral relations. This was a step in the right direction. It was decided to built a bridge of understanding and appreciation for long term gains. Success is guaranteed if talks are based on reciprocity and realism.

After 57 years of hostility and mutual suspicion, India and Pakistan made a new beginning in their relations when on Sept 24, 2004, in New York, they decided to consider all possible options for a peaceful negotiated settlement of Kashmir issue. They also explored the possibility of the Iran-India gas pipeline via Pakistan. In a statement issued after an hour long meeting between the two heads of a state, two countries reiterated their commitment to continue the blistered dialogue to normally and co-operation between them. Dr. Manmohan Singh said, “I sincerely believe today is a historical day for us. We have made a new beginning.” The joint statement said the two leaders addressed the issue of J & K and “agreed that possible option for a peaceful, negotiated settlement of the issue should be explored in a sincere spirit and purposeful manner.” They agreed that CBMs will contribute to generate an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding so necessary for the well being of the people of both countries. It should be considered to the welfare and prosperity of the peoples of both countries. It should be considered in the larger context of expanding trade and economic relations between India and Pakistan. All this augurs well for India Pakistan relations there are still doubts about the success of these efforts. How long will the present stand continue, that is the question. The Pakistan army has a fixed mind set. Its anti-India attitude might create problems and obstacles in the peace process. The road to peace seems bumpy but it is not difficult to cross. New Delhi and Islamabad should forget the bitter past and start afresh. They have to understand that the progress and prosperity of both these countries depends upon peace at the borders. Both the countries are developing countries and cannot afford to waste their resources in amassing more and more weapons of destruction. There seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel this time.


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