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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Wystan Hugh Auden” great author complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Wystan Hugh Auden

(1907 – 1973)


H. Auden, Anglo-American poet was educated at Oxford. Wystan Hugh Auden was born in York, North Yorkshire, as the son of George Augustus Auden, a distinguished physician, and Rosalie (Bicknell) Auden. Solihull in the West Midlands, where Auden was brought up, remained important to him as a poet. Auden was educated at St. Edmund’s Hindhood and then at Gresham’s School, Holt, Norfolk. In 1925 he entered Christ Church, Oxford.

Auden first gained attention in 1930 when his short verse play called Paid on Both Sides was published in T. S. Eliot’s periodical

The Criterion. In the same year appeared Auden’s Poems, his first commercially published book, in Which he carefully avoided Yeatsian romantic self-expression – the poems were short, untitled, and slightly cryptic. Auden soon gained fame as a leftist intellectual. He showed interest in Marx and Freud and he wrote passionately on social problems, among others in Look, Stranger! (1936). Compressed figures of speech, direct statement, and musical effect characterized On This Island (1937) and Another Time (1940).

In the 1930s Auden collaborated with Christopher Isherwood in several plays, and travelled with him in China in 1938. In January 1939 they immigrated to America and in 1946 Auden became a US citizen. In the 1940s he turned into a religious thinker under the influence of Kierkegaard and Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971), the foremost American Protestant theologian. Auden depicted his conversion to Anglicanism, his mother’s faith, in the The Sea And The Mirror (1944) and For The Ttime Being (1944.The poem can be read as an allegorical drama, with Prospero representing the conscious ego, Ariel the imagination, and Caliban material needs of fallen creatures. But Auden’s original mind leaves much to in perpetrations – his poems were not literature courses and showed gleeful unfaithfulness to preconceived expectations. About The A House (1965) represents Auden’s mature period, technically playful and intellectually sharp and witty. The poems in the book corresponded to the rooms of Auden’s Austrian house, his own eco-logical and biographical boundaries. Auden also wrote opera librettos with the American poet Chester Kailman, who was only 18 when Auden fell in love with him, and who lived with him over 20 years. In 1972 Auden left New York and returned to Oxford, living in a cottage provided by Christ Church. He died of a heart-attack after giving a poetry reading in Vienna on September 29,


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