Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Marcus Julius Brutus” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Marcus Julius Brutus
Rome : Caesar’s Murderer
Born : 85 BC Died : 42 BC
As Julius Caesar was attacked by the conspirators, Brutus plunged knife in his chest. At first, Caesar tried to defend himself, but when he saw that his very trusted friend is the attacker, he gave up and died… According to Shakespeare, Brutus defended his action to Mark Antony. saying: “I weep for Caesar because I loved him, and I honour him because he was brave; but he was overambitious, and so I killed him”.
Brutus was son of Cervelia, who was Caesar’s keep. Though he was Caesar s illegitimate child, Caesar loved him much and tried in every way to help him rise in life. It is ironic, that though Brutus also loved Caesar , he did not concur with his policies.
Brutus was tactfully dragged into conspiracy to kill Caesar by some of the senators, but these people did not gain from this treachery. Soon after the murder, Brutus died of wounds sustained by his own sword after his defeat in the war.