English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Easter” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination
Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It means shedding out darkness or sins from the whole world. By the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the world regained fullest light or ‘rescue’. It is celebrated on the Sunday after the full moon in the month of April. Christians observe and celebrates this festival with great piety and gaiety, signifying victory over death.
For a period of forty days, Christians go on fasting with ardent prayers and penance. The period is called Lent, which starts in February or March, from Ash Wednesday. It is done as remembrance of Jesus Christ’s fast in the desert. The last week of the period is known as the holy week. These seven days are observed in meditation and prayers.
The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday. It is the enactment of how Jesus Christ was welcomed with the waving of palm leaves in Jerusalem. To commemorate his last supper on Maundy Thursday, Christians break unleavened bread that Jesus Christ shared with his twelve disciples. Easter signifies new life breaking out of the old.