English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Holidays” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Mondays are never welcome in our lives. The thought of Monday brings our most uncharitable emotions to the surface. Monday signifies trouble. It means that a person has to start working till the next Sunday comes Monday reminds us about our duties and schedules.
But then is there a solution? We cannot live without work. We cannot make our mark in life without work. Work gives us our daily bread. It gives us comforts and pleasure. Does this mean that we should work all the time? Yet how can we go on working all the time?
Non-stop work becomes a pain and a punishment. So when work no longer gives pleasure, one should come to a conclusion that it is time for a break. At such times Sundays come as a welcome break. It gives rest and leisure. For once a person is the master of what he wants to do with his time. One can sleep or read or do gardening or clean the house or just spend some time with family and friends
Sunday is just like sleep after a hard day’s work. It gives new life to the tired mind and body. Our body is a machine and just like any other it too needs overhauling and servicing from time to time. And Sunday is the day to do it.
Leisure is important for us. We cannot always work and run around. We need time to sit and relax. We need to recharge our mental cells if we are to perform at our optimum levels. It is true that work and leisure complement each other. One cannot do without the other. Just as too much work is bad for health so is too much leisure, Holidays do not mean idleness. They mean a change from the routine work. Work done during leisure brings joy, beauty, and peace to us. No time should be wasted during the holidays. It should be gainfully employed. This should be in the form of giving the much-needed rest to the body and mind by involving them in creative and healthy pursuits. Activities which lead to idleness and cheap and harmful pleasures should be avoided as far as possible.