English Essay on “Discipline in Life” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Discipline in Life
Values of Discipline
Essay No. 01
No nation can be great unless its people are disciplined. Discipline in life leads to success. No country, school, college or home without discipline, can function properly. Thus, it is necessary for all walks of life.
There is the discipline in our house. Everything goes on smoothly. Children obey their parents. Parents too love them. There is perfect quiet and peace in the house. Everything goes on smoothly.
An undisciplined army is unmanageable. It will suffer defeat on the battlefield. Whereas a disciplined army fights unitedly and comes out victorious. The discipline of the Indian army is well-known all over the world.
In a classroom, no teacher can teach his or her students in the absence of discipline. It is for the class to maintain discipline. One learns discipline first at home and then in school. To obey set rules is discipline. In a family, the head can’t run it smoothly if the members don’t maintain discipline. In an assembly, all the members must observe discipline if they want to do a good job successfully and on time.
Even in offices, it has to be observed. An office sans (without) discipline can’t function at all.
In fact, discipline is very essential in all walks of life. In its absence, there will be utter disorder. confusion and chaos. No nation can progress in its absence. It is the key to success.
Essay No. 02
Discipline in Life
The need for discipline in life is mainly due to our limitations. Being unable to create anything ourselves, we depend on Nature for all our needs. As the natural resources we make use of are limited, we have to moderate our consumption, lest the possible exhausting of the resources should jeopardize our existence. Likewise, since we cannot ourselves bear pain and trouble, though we may cause them to others, we have to behave with restraint, lest our actions should upset the balance of society. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to rectify the damage caused by our irresponsible actions; some of which can even threaten our very survival. It is, therefore, in our own interests, that we always behave responsibly. Since discipline ensures acknowledgment of responsibilities and control of conduct, it should govern our life in society.
The importance of discipline, and its indispensability in living, were recognized long ago. The change from the aimlessness and unctuousness of primitive living -to the orderliness and civility of modern lifestyles, is due to the influence of discipline. Discipline may, therefore, be considered as the cornerstone of civilization. Had man not disciplined himself, the anarchy and mayhem which characterized lifestyles in the past, would have continued even now.
Besides improving personal conduct and behaviour, discipline has also helped the progress and development of mankind. An important advantage of discipline is, that, it enables us to succeed in any endeavour, if we exercise it. All achievements, be they path-breaking scientific discoveries, or victories in war, both in ancient and modern times, are the results of disciplined and systematic action.
Discipline has particular importance in conflicts and wars. Wars, even though they can never be acceptable or desirable, have been a part of human heritage since the beginning of history. As modern wars involve continuous activity, no time can possibly be lost to distractions or indecision. The focus of attention should always be on action. Following orders without questioning them is an absolute necessity in warfare. The hallmark of every disciplined fighting force is to obey orders, as they are made. Disobeying orders and other acts of indiscipline will inevitably lead to defeats.
Discipline is important even after the end of conflicts. It is essential to curb the natural enthusiasm of victorious armies to cause destruction in the territories they conquer, and to restrain them from ill-treating those whom they defeat.
But despite its numerous advantages, discipline is rarely given the importance it deserves. We generally consider it useful only to ensure obedience and good conduct in classroom situations. It is, therefore, thought necessary only in childhood and adolescence, rather than throughout a lifetime.
Disciplining will be productive if it is started from as early in life as possible. But even though the common tendency is to do so, the manner of practising discipline in young age is unsatisfactory. Since disciplining is usually practised mainly to maintain order, there is a tendency to frighten young people, rather than to educate them about the benefits of a disciplined life. Fear can only lead to meekness, which will adversely affect one’s personality.
The prevailing disciplining practices are harmful in other ways also. Oppressive disciplining in childhood can create a false sense of courage and a tendency to challenge or defy authority. In such cases, a stage might be reached when children will be immune to even the harshest forms of disciplining imaginable. They might turn vengeful in later life, and be the cause of hatred and violence in society. Thus disciplining gives mixed results. Too much of it or too little of it will be equally harmful. It will be useful only if it is exercised with due care, and after considering all its consequences. Disciplining may be encouraged to the extent, that it ensures our progress and happiness; but not to the extent that it harms our creativity and independence.
Discipline serves its purpose best, if we are able to appreciate its virtues ourselves, rather than be forced to recognize them by others. Sensible thinking and responsible behaviour, which follow voluntary disciplining, will certainly improve the quality of life in the society.