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English Letter ” Seven Thanks Letters in different Topics”

Thanks Letter for Help Dear Sir, I have the honour and the pleasure to thanks you for extending me your sincere help in the great moment of my trail and trouble. I shall gladly reciprocate the same if and when the opportunity arises. Yours sincerely, Thanks Letter for Accommodation Dear Sir, I am greatly indebted to you for having granted me temporary shelter in your house at a great inconvenience to...
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English Letters of “Thanks for a Gift, for an Invitation and for an Interview”

Thanks Letter for a Gift Dear Sir, Many thanks for five copies of your book “Essays” and three copies of  “Maharashtra” you kindly sent me. With best regards, Your faithfully, Thanks Letter for an invitation Dear Sir, Many thanks for your kindness to invite me to attend the solemn ceremony of your marriage last Sunday. Yours sincerely, Thanks Letter for an Interview Dear Sir, Many thanks for having granted me an interview for...
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English Letter of “Thanks Letter for Financial Help”

Thanks Letter for Financial Help Dear Gupta Uncle, How can I express my gratitude for your timely financial help when my need for funds was the greatest? Had you not loosened the strings of your purse, by no means bulging, to pay my fees for the University examination, I should have now been rotting in the Majithia Hostel for another year with worry and weariness  ever mounting up. May God enable...
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English Letter of “Thanks Letter for Lunch”

Thanks Letter  for Lunch  Raju and I express our sincere appreciation of lunch at your house last Sunday. The chitchat of Jalkiron will be always evergreen in our hearts. We highly appreciate the trouble to which you put yourself by hurrying away from the company of the Chief justice to be with us at the lunch time. The poems you read to us were exquisite little gems. These gasp for light. Hope...
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English Letter of “Thanks Letter of Appreciation of Hospitality”

Thanks Letter of Appreciation of Hospitality Dear Dharam, It was truly a treat to spend a fortnight of my summer vacation under your benign roof. With all the facilities available and at an arrow’s show from the Golden Temple, my stay at your house will always haunt my memory. It was a joyous experience never to be forgotten. The delicious delicacies  cooked at your house will  be fresh forever in our...
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English Letter of “Thanks Letter for Marriage Gifts”

Thanks Letter for Marriage Gifts Dear Mohan, What an artistic gift you chose for us ! that exquisitely carved Chinese sea- shell with a  baby cradle outside a pagoda is marvelous indeed ! It is a picturesque presentation of your pious prayers. Let us hope it will come true and then call for another gift from you ! Thanks for your happy idea and happier ideation behind the gift. Yours sincerely,...
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English Letter “Thanks Letter for Acknowledgement of Gift”

Thanks Letter for Acknowledgement of Gift Dear Bhagwant, Billoo is head over heels about the toy jeep you sent him from London. With jeep he goes to bed and with jeep he wakes up. This toy is now pet of the children in the family. It whizzes all day in the drawing- room and at night it snores in Billoo’s bed. The children do not understand why you have not come...
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English Letter “Thanks Letter for Doctor’s Due”

Thanks Letter for Doctor’s Due Dear Dr. Grover, I am very deeply indebted to you for that painless operation which  your performed upon my ear last month. I cannot find words to thank you for extricating me from that excruciating agony. But for your timely help I would have far preferred straight death to that crooked form of life-in-death existence. I wonder if I shall ever be able to repay you, ...
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