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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Religion” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis India is supposed to be a religious country above everything else. The spectacle of what is called religion in India and elsewhere had filled me with horror and I have frequently condemned it and wished to make a clean sweep of it. Almost, always it seems to stand for blind belief and reaction, dogma, bigotry, superposition and exploitation, and the preservation of the vested interests. And, yet,...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Sociality Amongst animals” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis There is a wonderful spirit of sociality in the brute creation and this propensity seems not to be confined to animals of the same species. Even great disparity of kind and size does not always prevent social advances and mutual fellowship. A very intelligent and observant person had assured me that, in the former part of his life, keeping but one horse, he happened also, on tame,...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Agricultural Production and Price Rise” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis There is also the price effect. A fall in output usually leads to rise in prices. With a basic commodity like food grains, which has substantial weight age in the cost of living index, a rise in prices can set off an all-round inflationary spiral. Alternatively, Government may well off-set this initial price rise by making up the produce ion short fall, as it did this year,...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “The Asian Games in India” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis The Asian Games may after all be held as scheduled, but both at Delhi and Rai. The Prime Minister is reported to have agreed to split the Games so that the events are held smoothly and efficiently. She is expected to announce her decision on April 14-15. Some people contend that Delhi’s beauty will get diminished if stadium are constructed here. But where say that Delhi’s beauty...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “U.S. Punitive Action Against Iran” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis Internationally, the U.S. dilemma in Iran has certainly had its effect on allies and adversaries alike. The problem for Mr. Carter is that Iran is a big oil producer and supplies a considerable portion of the energy, need of America’s allies, particularly of Japan and West Germany. The allies are understandably reluctant to go the whole hog with punitive measures suggested by Washington, for two reasons: firstly,...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “What the West can get from the East” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis Crudely put, this is the vague idea behind such of the planning today. One may denounce the motives as selfish and short-sighted, but denunciation is of little worth. The human creature, at least in aggregate, is selfish and the rich and the powerful are, of course, selfish. The cheerful fact is that whatever the reasons for the determination to educate the backward people and develop the undeveloped...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Human Evolution” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis Man, as he is, is not to be regarded as the crowning glory of evolution. The story of life on earth goes back to a thousand million years. In each geological period there have appeared creatures which might have been represented as the highest types of creation. Yet, those forms of life have been superseded by others. When we look at the steady climb of life in...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Multilingual State-A Blessing” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis We should face facts as they exist. We are multilingual it is true, and a very poor country too. The fear of getting employment or not getting employment springs, out of that poverty of ours. But. once we took courage in both our hands and began to work, poverty would vanish, and then those languages which have created a narrow regional spirit instead of being the curse...
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