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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Lord Krishna and the Bhagwat Gita” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis Lord Krishna was an eminent personality of the Epic period of Indian History. He was a great philosopher and a Karma-yogi. His birth took place at Mathura, now, the glorious centre of Indian culture and civilization that is situated in the midst of the Vraj Bhumi and the serene waters of the Yamuna flows even today to remind one of the great times when Indian civilization was...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Members of the House of Commons” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis I know no place where the great truth that no man is necessary is brought home to the mind so remorselessly and yet so refreshingly, as the House of Commons. Over even the greatest reputations it closes with barely a bubble. And, yet, the vanity of politicians is enormous, but vain, very vain. There is a great deal of vanity, both expressed and concealed, in the House...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Gospel of Love” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis However near to despair, this supremely endowed philosopher came, he never for an instant lost sight of the end to which human life should be directed. He remained in doubt only as to the means by which this end should be attained. Perhaps, he hit the nail on the head most surely in a passage which occurs towards the end of The Laws, where he states the...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Truth and Salvation” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis To tread the path of philosophy is to seek after truth and follow a way of life. Before a man sets out on the quest after truth, he must fulfil certain conditions. First, there must be discrimination between the real and the unreal. The statement means, not that a man must possess complete knowledge of absolute reality, which is attained only after long practice of meditation, but...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Physical Exercise” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis Schoolboys may have noted with amusement a recent finding by Dr. Gordon Ring of the Miami school of Medicine, Florida. Contrary to popular belief, he says, taking exercise does not tend to prolong life; it shortens it. So all these advocates of compulsory games have done their juvenile public no service. Indeed, whoever started the theory that exercise was beneficial, again contrary to popular belief, it was...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Maintaining Popularity” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis If by some magic you could be granted one quick wish, perhaps you might wish to be popular. Being popular means being liked by a lot of people instead of just a few close friends and that is a big wish. All the same you, too, can be well liked if you are willing to be on guard against the perils of popularity. Let us consider some...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Ashoka the Great” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis Ashoka was one of the noblest kings that history has ever produced. He was always anxious for the welfare of the people and he imparted even handed justice to all concerned. He had appointed censors to reform the people. They were expected to see that the Law of Piety was followed by the people. He used to help the needy and he used to provide all the...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Role of Advertisement” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Passages with Solved Precis As material civilisation advances and the supply of available goods and services increases, man’s needs correspondingly, multiply. Advertising plays a key role in this never-ending process by stimulating the public’s desire for certain products, and thereby promoting the sales thereof, until it has, in effect, created new needs, real or supposed, where there were none before. A familiar example is the motor car -once a rare and...
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