Article, Essay on “Natural Disasters” 220 Words Article on current issues for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 Board Exam.
Natural Disasters
Natural calamities have been a cause of great destruction and devastation on Earth. Natural calamities are unpredictable in nature and often occur all of a sudden. Due to this nature, avoiding them is almost impossible. However, we can take certain precautions that will help keep the level of devastation down and save precious human lives. For disasters like floods and landslides, the plantation of trees is a good long-term solution. Floods and landslides are hard to avoid. These could include the passing of laws that prohibit cutting down of trees and building of houses in regions that are flood-prone. Disasters like drought can be avoided by proper planning and allocation of resources. Measures can be taken at the community level so that no one is misusing or overusing their share of resources like water and food. As far as earthquakes are concerned, people should calmly leave the building they are in when the quake strikes. In case of damage, people are encouraged and taught to help pull out other people from the debris. On a larger scale, buildings can be constructed in a way that ensures they are less likely to collapse during an earthquake. In Japan for instance, there are shock absorbers installed at the base of the buildings which enables the building to move with the earthquake and prevent collapse.