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Casteism in Indian Politics – Social Issue Essay, Article for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Casteism in Indian Politics

Scheme of the Essay

Exposition: Casteism is the misuse of caste for political gains.

Rising Action: Caste plays an important role in politics, employment, elections, and party formations.

Climax: It has harmful effects

(1) affects the working of democratic politics.

(2) Caste groups become interest groups.

(3) Landed jatis deny constitutional rights to other Jatis,

(4) Vitiate the election atmosphere.

(5) It originated as a division of labour.

(6) Untouchability-an example of negative role.

(7) Caste is a clever to capture power

Ending: The worst aspect of caste is at two levels.

Casteism is the “misuse of caste consciousness for political gains. To a casteist jati is the most important group for capturing political power. He thinks that caste is an enlarged family and its protection a promotion are his duty. The base of India’s social structure is cast (varna) and sub-castes (Jati). There is a four-fold caste growth (Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Sudra) which is further divided into 200 to 300 subcastes in each linguistic region. Dr. Ambedkar said “The caste system is not merely a division of labour. It is a divi of labourers.” The worst form of caste system is untouchability. T means that the presence, touch, or contact with backward classes results in defilement. They were treated as slaves for centuries till Gandhiji the revolt against it. So, caste has done a lot of harm to our society. Caste has played an important role in Indian politics in election appointments and party formation. Some jatis are very important in some regions. For example, Thakurs, Jats, Yadavs, Ahirs, and Gujars Kurmis are dominant in UP. So, is the case with jatis’ in other. These Jatis use political opportunities to retain their traditional hold on the people. The anti-Brahmin movement in Tamil Nadu was against varna. But the AJGYR movement in UP is a formation of some jatis against other Jatis and varna.

Casteism has harmful effects. Firstly, it affects the working democratic politics. Our politics is secular but its style becomes cast. Secondly, some caste leaders make their caste an interest in influencing politics. Thirdly the worst expression of casteism is very upper caste denies the chances of progress to the backward classes. Lastly, the landed jatis deny even constitutional rights to the backward Jatis.

The damaging effect of casteism on our political system can be summarized thus it violates the basic democratic principles of justice, equality, and fraternity; It serves as a divisive force in politics. It spoils the atmosphere of elections and weakens polity; By building caste pressure groups it does not allow secularism to flourish; By keeping hold in villages, the dominant caste weakens the Panchayat system. It creates tension among different groups in society. Casteism in party policies and ministry formation contributes to political instability.

India is divided into religions and castes. Both have a strong hold on the minds of the people. As a result of it there have been caste fights and communal riots. But these two go against the secular character of our polity. Despite the efforts made by the government caste still plays an important role in our social and political life. At the base of India’s Social structure is the caste (varna) and sub-caste (Jati). There were the sociological units of the earlier times. These used to keep the people united in that group. The four-fold caste groups (varna) were Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Sudras. There used to be outcastes also called Panchamas (the untouchables). There are about 200 to 300 sub-castes in each linguistic region. According to the 1991 census, there were 2738 jatis. There are several layers of sub-castes called gotras.

Perhaps the caste system originated as a division of labour. But it became a rigid division. Dr. Ambedkar has said “the caste system is not merely a division of labour. It is a division of labourers.” Nowadays customs associated with different castes are followed in marriages, inheritance, and rituals. In inter-caste and extra-caste activities also, it plays an important role.

The negative role of caste in social life is the practice of untouchability. This led to inhuman practices. So-called untouchables were not allowed to touch high-caste people. They were not allowed to enter places of worship, restaurants, and shops. They were not allowed to draw water from the well and get an education. They were hated and maltreated. Gandhiji fought against untouchability and called Untouchables, Harijans the children of God. Caste plays an important role in politics. It is not Varna but Jati or Biradari that plays a role in politics. The importance attached to jati is not because of varna but because of the wealth or land they possess. In many regions, so-called backward and middle castes occupy a dominant position in society. In these regions, the upper caste is the dominant caste. Thus, jatis also play the role of a class. There are jatis owning land that are dominant. Examples of these are Thakurs, Jats, Yadav, Ahirs, Gujars, and Kurmis in U. Bhumihars, Kayasthas, and Rajputs. in Bihar, the Rajputs, and Marwar in Rajasthan. In democratic India, these Jatis are trying to keep the hold and power.

Casteism means the exploitation of caste-feeling for political gain. For some politicians caste is the most important lever for capturing power. They think that it is their duty to protect the interests of the Ja Such an approach weakens national unity. The democratic rights like Fundamental Rights, freedom of speech and expression, and formation of parties are misused for boosting caste. So, the form of Indian politics is secular but its style is casteist.

There are two types of groups in India, modern and traditional Modern groups are class, party, interest groups, and professional unions The traditional groups are jati, tribe, religious community, and language group. People owe allegiance (loyalty) to both the groups. The worst aspect of casteism is at two levels. The upper castes deny rights equality and opportunities for progress to the backward castes. Second Jatis, in order to keep their hold on power, land, or wealth, den opportunities given by the Constitution.


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