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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “If I Were The Prime Minister of India” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I Were The Prime Minister of India


A true leader must submerge himself in the fountain of the people. —V. Lenin

An old proverb says “As the king so are his subjects”. A Prime minister epitomises the nation in democratic. The Prime minister is the captain who steers the ship of the state. I would go through the history of the former Prime ministers of my country and make a careful analysis of the events and happenings that affected the country in the past. As a prime minister my vision would be to develop India as a strong self-reliant nation where everyone has the freedom to work, express his feelings and enjoy the fruits of his labour put together. I would ensure human excellence in all fields of life to gain public confidence.

The human being is the peak of evolution. The psyche has to improve. Hence to elevate the dignity of the individual and to bring out the finer qualities of citizens would be my top priority. My principle would be “individual upliftment” because if the individuals are upright, the society would be upright. If I were the Prime minister of India, I would try to achieve the national goals set by our patriotic leaders in the preamble to the constitution.

Indians have solemnly resolved that India will be a secular democracy. My government would secure equality, justice, fraternity, human and fundamental rights for all citizens irrespective of their cast, creed, religion or sex. Only a society where peace is cultivated through contentment and harmony, can prosper. I would help in the evolution of a -fearless society” with individual security” which would work for universal brotherhood and fulfill the dreams of RabindraNath Tagore. As RabindraNath Tagore says, where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;

Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up Into fragments by narrow domestic walls Into that heaven of freedom. My father, let my country awake.

My Linguistic Policy—To secure linguistic harmony I would preach and practise ‘equality of languages’. I would uproot the caste system in India which creats injustice, inequality and destroys self-esteem. I would remove the column of caste and relegion from all governments records and application forms. I would not develop jingoists nationalists but citizens with international understanding.

My first step would be to educate the people of India make them aware of their rights, duties and the challenges faced by India. For every citizen primary education would be a must no matter whether a child or an adult. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Women’s education would be emphasised because educating women means educating the families. My aim would be to achieve 100% literacy which would be employment-oriented. Outdated courses will be abolished. Moral education would be a compulsory part of school syllabus. Suitable manpower would be developed according to modern and national needs. Availability of teachers in rural schools and dropouts from the school would be monitored.

In my regime, higher education would be strictly based on merit. Indigenous research and development facilities and centres for excellence would be set up to stop the brain drain. India will calloborate with leading technologies in the world. “Serve India for a minimum period of three years” would be the rule applicable for students passing out from government aided institution. I would ensure for them equally attractive job opportunities, environment conducive to their satisfaction and handsome perks to prevent brain drain.

I would like to make India today and India tomorrow IT savvy. My aim would be to spread computer, Internet and telephones lines to the remotest village of the country. Self-employment is the need of the hour. Special training sessions would be organized for youth. Loans will be made available for the deserving people with follow up action. My message to the countrymen would be Employ yourself and provide employment to others.” I would try to utilise the boom in IT sector to bridge the ever increasing gap between poor and rich by creating more employment avenues.

Our population sullifies our achievements and creates a vicious circle of all other problems. Malnutrition, insufficient medical care, high infant mortality rates and problems of aged are some of its direct consequences. Domestic violence against women would be made punishable under law. Combined old age and juvenile homes would be planned to satisfy complementary needs of each group. Cities have become overpopulated although acres of fertile lands are wasted for their expansion. Planned distribution of population would be my priority.

A sound mind and good physical health are the prerequisites of any development. Half of the Indian children are severly under-nourished. Health of mothers and nourishment of children through mid-day meals would be ensured. Public awareness and strict laws against child labour would be my aim. The NGOs working for human development would be strengthened.

A noted communist once observed that corruption has become our national culture. Anti-social elements are engaged in black-marketing, adulteration, bribery and thus are injecting black money in the economy. Indian police would be modernised to deal more effectively with so-called “underworld” criminals. Awareness programme against social evils like dowry, sati and child marriage would be continued. To eradicate corruption and bring transparency and accountability in governance, computerised paperless offices and timely refresher courses for employees would be relied upon. I would ensure that relief funds and grants reach the targetted hands. Criminalisation of politics would be checked at all cost. Gandhian principles of honesty, simplicity and need-based optimum expenditure would be followed to control the fiscal deficit, laws will be made to nab cyber criminals through Periodic meetings, centre state relationship would be strengthened.

Instead of being an autocrat, I would prefer to be a flexible prime minister. However, I would not hesitate to take harsh decisions if the situation so warranted. In our quest to revive the glory of India as an ideal power for the world. I would appeal to my countrymen not to forget the richness of Indian values. In the rapid process of becoming world citizens the message of “unity in diversity” alone can show the path of enlightenment to the world. If I were the prime minister of India I would make the country a paradise for the common man and a country of our dreams.


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