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Formal Letter example “Invitation to Discussion and Debate” English Letter Writing

Invitation to Discussion

Dear Mr. Anand,

Your are warmly invited to take part in a Round Table Conference on “Dangers of Linguistic Provinces” to be held under the auspices of the Rose Club on Sunday April 16,….., at 4-30 P.M.

Discussion will be enlightening and enlivening. Mr. Nand Kishore will be the guest of honour.

We solicit the co-operation of energetic spirits like yours to ensure its success.

 Please inform that you will grace the occasion.

Yours very sincerely,

Invitation to Debate

Dear Mr. Shah,

On Saturday, June 9th, at 6 P.M. we are holding a debate on “Capital punishment should be abolished in India.”

Please state whether you will be able to attend the meeting and whether you will speak for or against the proposition.

Yours sincerely,


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