Home » General Knowledge » 10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Animals, Birds and Insects” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 1

10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Animals, Birds and Insects” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 1

Facts of Animals, Birds and Insects

203. Animals and birds don’t talk as such , the way humans do. But they certainly do communicate with one another. There are different ways in which they do this: a bird chirps, whistles and makes enchanting musical sounds; the cat purrs and meows; the dog barks and whines; the chicken cackles and crows; the wolf howls; the lion roars; the chimp chatters; and the whale whistles.

204. The only two creatures that can see behind them without turning their heads are the rabbit and the parrot.

205. The cat, the camel and the giraffe are the only animals in the world that walk right foot, right foot, left foot, left foot, rather than right foot, left foot.

206. The giraffe is the only animal born with horns. It can eat up to 66 kilograms of food a day.

207. The tongue of an adult giraffe measures 18 inches in length and is black in colour.

208. The gorilla is so afraid of water that is won’t even drink it. It gets all the moisture it requires from fruits and plants.

209. Zebras may all look alike. Yet, each zebra has its own pattern of stripes. The white stripes look like light and the black stripes like shadow and this makes the zebra hard to spot amidst tall grasses. When the zebras stand in a group, they face in different directions to make a zig – zag appearance. when they run form an enemy, they scatter, running in different directions so that the sight of zebra stripes zig-zagging around creates the impression of a blue that effectively confuses the enemy. And this helps the zebra’s striped protection system is what gave some people bright new idea during world War II, prompting them to paint their merchant ships with zebra stripes and thus make it hard for submarines to detect and target them.

210. The guinea pig is not a pig and it does not come from Guinea. It is a small , furry animals, a tailless rodent that comes from the Western coast of South America.


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