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Write a letter of apology to a friend whom you have offended. Complete English Letter for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Write a letter of apology to a friend whom you have offended.

C-1/253, Sardar Patel Nagar,


June 15,20 

Dear Ashok,

I hope you reached home safely on Tuesday night. I felt really very bad about the whole episode and am extremely sorry.

I feel regret about the way I treated you. In fact, I was very disappointed at losing the finals of the football match. It was definitely my mistake that allowed the opposition to score the deciding goal. However, I still feel that it was not just my lapse that resulted in our loss.

As you blamed me for the debacle, I lost my temper. I was overpowered by the frustration and disappointment. I hope you can understand my mental condition. You must forgive me and forget my nasty behavior. I am really ashamed of my behavior. I still consider you my best friend.

Please reply if you have forgiven me. I will be waiting anxiously for your reply.

Yours affectionately,

Rajiv Sharma

June 15,20 


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