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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Scientists are the Explorers of Today”.

Scientists are the Explorers of Today   Exploration in the commonly accepted sense began with people like the sea-faring Columbus when, in the middle ages it was realized that the earth is a globe, not flat. It held a crucial role for centuries in colonization and trade expansion. In the 19th century startling results were achieved by wealthy and gifted amateurs. However quite early in this century virtually the whole of...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Consider how the Transport System in Your Country might he Improved”.

Consider how the Transport System in Your Country might he Improved. All services are capable of improvement, even the transport services of Western Europe and other western countries, where rail, road and air transport have long been established, and where there are few, if any, obstacles to the establishment of physical communications. It is a more basic problem for the emergent countries, where often mountain ranges and dense afforestation have to...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What Factors Determine the Location of a Country’s Capital? Illustrate with Examples”.

What Factors Determine the Location of a Country’s Capital? Illustrate with Examples. Many capital cities were founded centuries, if not millennia ago, so it is often not possible to do more than deduce the reasons for the choice of their locations. Most, though not all of these, reasons are geographical. Before the arrival of modern communications and transport, any large settlement required a location which satisfied certain requirements. Firstly, an area...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What, if Anything, have the Great Empires of the World Achieved?”

What, if Anything, have the Great Empires of the World Achieved?   Self-interest, in some shape or form, has always been the motivation behind empire-building. Its occasion has been the development of military and naval power and in recent times air power, as in the case of Germany under Adolf Hitler, who sought to create an Aryan empire by the invasion of surrounding sovereign states. Its effects are interpreted variously, for...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Consider the Influence of Pop Star and their Music”

Consider the Influence of Pop Star and their Music   Pop music began in 1960, suddenly replacing dance music, jazz and the tuneful lyricists such as Crosby, Sinatra and their imitators. Prior to 1960 young people were either adolescents or young adults, but then the 13-19 year group became a new class, the teenagers. They were the fashionable group, and at that time of full employment in the USA and the...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What are the Most Popular Types of Film in your Country and Why?”

What are the Most Popular Types of Film in your Country and Why?   Answers to this question will vary widely according to the country concerned. For example romantic feature films seem to receive great popular support in India, and their stars are almost national heroes. This may be due to the lack of good, or indeed any television, combined with the instinct to escape from a deprived environment. In the...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Discuss with Examples the Relationship between Pure and Applied Science.”

Discuss with Examples the Relationship between Pure and Applied Science.   Pure science is the investigation of natural phenomena for the purpose of understanding. Observation leads to the formation of theories, which are tested experimentally. If the theory seems to explain to all the phenomena it is classified as a principle and added to the store of existing scientific knowledge. Applied science is known today as technology, which is concerned with...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Discuss the Relative Importance to Man and Animals of the Five Senses of Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste and Smell”.

Discuss the Relative Importance to Man and Animals of the Five Senses of Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste and Smell.   It is difficult to grade the senses in relative importance to mankind. Opinions vary particularly between sight and hearing. A person blind from birth has no concept of vision, so presumably does not `miss’ sight. It is different for a person who goes blind because suddenly, or gradually, so much is...
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