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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Is the Telephone a Curse or a Blessing?”

Is the Telephone a Curse or a Blessing?   A slightly eccentric professor of archaeology in West Africa would neither answer the telephone nor reply to letters. As for letters, he would say, leave them long enough and they answer themselves. As for the telephone, I consider it an unwarranted intrusion. If people want to talk to me they can come and see me. Of course, the world could not carry...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What is the Place of Music in Modern Life?”

What is the Place of Music in Modern Life? Music has always occupied a firm place in the life of every community. Travel, conquest and trade have led to the mutual enrichment of musical traditions, though on a very limited scale as compared with today. Distance is no longer an object. So the worldwide musical situation has become fluid. Roughly speaking, music has developed tonally in the West and atonally in...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What can be done to Alleviate Suffering in the World?”

What can be done to Alleviate Suffering in the World?   We live in a world in which we are perpetually exposed to what William Shakespeare described as the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. It is true that much suffering is caused by accident and natural disaster and is therefore almost unavoidable. A drunken car driver may kill or maim. Hurricanes and earthquakes leave a trail of death, injury and...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What do you Consider to be Effective means of Keeping Law and Order in Today’s Society?”

What do you Consider to be Effective means of Keeping Law and Order in Today’s Society? Obviously the practical means of doing so lies in the hands of the police force, Para-military anti-riot forces, and, in the last resort, the armed forces themselves. In democratic countries, these are firmly under the control- of civilian governments, the members of which are freely elected. Governments legislate and judiciaries administer the law. However, the...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “How important is Ceremony in your Country?”

 How important is Ceremony in your Country?   The importance varies, but few would argue that ceremony is totally irrelevant. Some ceremonies are of course mere tradition, and as such may be irritants. For example, in Britain there is almost universal respect for the monarch. Yet, she and her court are hemmed in by ceremonies which is this day and age would be laughable if they were not pernicious. In fact...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “How important is Foreign Trade to your Country?”

How important is Foreign Trade to your Country?   Discounting the most primitive countries, foreign trade is important to all countries. Even primitive countries need it to some degree. Where peoples have been content with the produce of the land, the herd and the flock, there have always been itinerant traders, e.g. the Arabs who skirted the Sahara from Egypt to the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Nigeria etc. They brought brass,...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Write a Critical Account of the Newspapers and Popular Magazines Produced in your Country”.

Write a Critical Account of the Newspapers and Popular Magazines Produced in your Country. In a democratic country, every aspect of the popular press is constantly under review by parliament and the general public, ownership, management, political shade, production method and freedom under the law are factors perpetually in dispute. This essay attempts to comment on the press in Britain. It excludes the multiplicity of learned and technical journals which cover...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Do you Agree that the Primary Purpose of the Arts, whether Music, Painting, Drama or Literature, is to Entertain?”

Do you Agree that the Primary Purpose of the Arts, whether Music, Painting, Drama or Literature, is to Entertain? As Professor Joad used to say, it all depends what you mean by entertain. If the word means make one laugh, then there is obviously more to the Arts than that. Of course, we do laugh at comic songs, as in the Gilbert and Sullivan operas; at wit and topical comment in...
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