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Write a speech in 150-200 words that you will deliver in the morning assembly of your school, describing why Holi is played and how it should be played.

Good morning, friends As you know Holi is around the corner, I wish to talk to you on the importance of Holi and how it should be played. Holi, known as the ‘festival of colours is celebrated on the full moon day falling in the month of Phalguna (Feb-Mar). Various colours and water are thrown on each other, amidst loud music, drums etc. to celebrate Holi. Holi also signifies a victory...
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Write a speech to be delivered in the school assembly on tips for success in examinations.

Good morning, respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends! Today, I am going to give some tips for success in examinations. If you’re one of the those people who get stressed out when it comes to taking exams then I have a few tips for you that will help you to succeed well in the upcoming first-term examinations. Firstly, look after your health. It’s stressful to cram so much information into...
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Write a speech in 150-200 words on “Health Care for Indian Workers”.

Health Care for Indian Workers By Rajendra Kumar Respected Chairperson and my dear friends! It is really a matter of grave concern for all of us that we hardly take care of the health of workers. We always see them working in inhuman conditions, neglecting their health. But they work even in such conditions only to fulfill their basic needs. They just do it at the cost of their health. The...
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Write a speech in 150-200 words on “Brain drain – a bane” your principal has asked you to deliver a speech in the morning assembly.

Brain drain – a bane for India by XYZ Very good morning to the principal, respected teachers, and my dear friends. We are here today to celebrate the most revered occasion of Teacher’s Day. It is an honorable occasion for the students of India. It is observed every year to pay respect to the teachers. So, dear friends come on and join this celebration to pay hearty respect to our own...
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Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic ‘Discipline’ shapes the future of student. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly.

Good morning, respected Principal, teachers, and students! Today I wish to talk to you about the decisive role that discipline plays in a student’s life. Discipline is the most fundamental of all qualities that shape a student’s personality. Discipline means self-control and never trespassing on the rules of propriety. The lack of discipline among the students is one of the chief social problems of the day. We should be a model...
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Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly advising the students on “increased the risk of malaria and dengue.”

  Good morning, respected principals, teachers, and students! I will take the opportunity in this morning’s assembly to address you on an essential health issue. As you all know, recent heavy rains have caused widespread waterlogging and increased the risk of malaria and dengue. I am sure you know that both these diseases are caused by mosquito bites and once contracted can take a toll on your health. Here are a...
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Essay on “How to be Yourself?” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech in 600 Words for Class 9, 10, 12 and Graduation Students.

How to be Yourself? What most people mean when they say they want to be themselves is that they want to be relaxed and comfortable, authentic, and free to express themselves, and they don’t want to be worried about being judged for doing it. But being yourself isn’t as simple as it seems, because you don’t have just one self; there are multiple versions of who you are. There is the...
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