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Write a letter to your area MP drawing his attention to the unfulfilled promises he made during the elections.

Write a letter to your area MP drawing his attention to the unfulfilled promises he made during the elections. To Hon’ble Shri XYZ, Member, Lok Sabha, South Avenue, New Delhi. Sub.: Election promises. Sir, We, the residents of the Cooperative Government Servants House Building Society, Kala Niketan, New Delhi write this to invite your kind attention to the various problems faced by us, which were brought to your kind notice during...
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Write a letter to a foreign friend describing a musical evening you attended last week.

Write a letter to a foreign friend describing a musical evening you attended last week. Examination Hall, August 31,….. Dear Richard, Many thanks for your kind letter, which I received yesterday. I was very glad to read that you are proceeding on a sightseeing tour of East European countries. I hope you will combine profit with pleasure by writing a book on your impressions of these countries and the progress they...
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Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper, complaining about the neglect of trees in the cities.

Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper, complaining about the neglect of trees in the cities. To The Editor, “The Hindustan Times, New Delhi. Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily I write this to invite the kind attention of the authorities that be to the utter neglect of trees in our cities. Importance of trees for our ecological system can hardly be over emphasised. Alarmed at...
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Write a letter to your MP requesting him to do things you think best for your constituency.

Write a letter to your MP requesting him to do things you think best for your constituency. To Hon’ble Minister of Urban Development (Member from New Delhi), New Delhi. Sub.: Amenities for citizens in Sarojini Nagar Area. Sir, Having been encouraged by your kind assurance to the citi- zens of this area that their civic problem will be solved on priority basis, during your personal visit to the colony, I have...
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Example Letter regarding election victory.

Example Letter regarding election victory. April 22, 2001 Dear Laluji, It was a moment I can never forget when I chanced upon your name from Laheriasarai constituency in Bihar. It is too good to be true. A media-shy individual and an introvert, the one I knew, contesting an election for the first time and coming out as a winner by a record margin, was something I never contemplated. Anyway, I’m proud...
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Example Letter regarding the award of a Ph.D.

Example Letter regarding the award of a Ph.D. April 12, 2002 Dear Shyam, At on the onset, let me congratulate you for your Ph.D. degree you have been awarded regarding your paper “Indian Population – the Growing Advantage”. Although I have not gone through your paper but what I have gathered is you have given a suggestion that instead of controlling the population, we should utilise the human resources for productivity....
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Example Letter regarding the birth of a child.

Example Letter regarding the birth of a child April 10, 2001 Dear Brijesh, The news of the birth of a male child was really heartening. After the previous miscarriage, all of us were quite apprehensive and kept our fingers crossed, least any further mishap deprives you of this proud moment. So I take this opportunity to extend my congratulations to you for becoming a proud father. Yes, this fatherhood is really...
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Example Letter regarding going abroad.

Letter regarding going abroad April 4, 2001 Dear Tanveer Alam, I could imagine your happiness while going through your letter of going abroad to U.S.A. as a software engineer. Right from our school days, I remember your visualisation of going abroad and settling there. Your dream has been cherished and I congratulate you at this hour of your dream come true. With a person of your immense talent, the prospects are...
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