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Essay on “The Importance of Library ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 The Importance of Library  Books are a man’s best friends. They give him company in times of happiness as well as in times of distress. They are one of the main sources of knowledge. The best place for easy access to books is a library. A library is a place where not only books but also magazines, journals and newspapers are well stocked for the benefit of the...
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Essay on “Co-education” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 Co-education Co-education is a system of educating boys and girls together. In ancient times, co-education existed in Sparta in Greece. There was no discrimination between boys and girls. They studied and played together. Along with academic education, physical training was also given to both sexes. Plato, the Greek philosopher, believed that co-education helped in the development of personality of both men and women and created a feeling of...
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Essay on “Are Examination Necessary ? ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Are Examination Necessary ?   Examination aim at judging student’s knowledge in a specific time frame. They enable the teachers to know how well students have understood the subject. A good result makes the teacher as well as the parents happy. The effort of the teacher is rewarded when students pass an examination with good marks. Thus,a teacher’s  dedication towards his profession is also judge through examination. Parents become proud...
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Essay on “The Future of English in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 The Future of English in India   English is one of the most widely spoken languages. It is probably the only languages which is spoken in all the continents of the world. Most educated Indians are well versed in the language. It is extensively used in the Government office, by the media­-both electronic and print, in educational institutions of higher learning and in the legal world. It is...
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Essay on “Need for Peace and Harmony in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

    Need for Peace and Harmony in India         People all over the world had though, that with advance in science, in medicine, in education, there would be a peaceful revolution in all the developing countries. It was thought that the big powers, having seen the destructiveness of nuclear and other weapons, would try to resolve their differences in a peaceful manner and whole world would devote...
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Essay on “Role of Bureaucracy in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Role of Bureaucracy in India In a democratic state, Ministers are generally not matured administrators. Most of them do not know anything about the administrative process and also the administrative details. Similarly, most of them cannot carry on the administration, even of their own departments, without the help of civil servants. The government may change and if the permanent administrators are not there, the whole administrative system will receive a serious...
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Essay on “Need for Electoral Reforms in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Need for Electoral Reforms in India Indiscriminate adoption of democratic form of Government had made it more or less a farce. In fact for the proper working of democracy politically conscious people, well organized opposition, independent judiciary, free press and, above all, proper type of representation to all the interests of the society are necessary. All of these factors, taken together are essential because these constitute the props of the superstructure...
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Essay on “Decentralisation or Centralisation of Power” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

    Decentralisation or Centralisation of Power or “Authoritarianism in Indian Democracy” Different philosophers and thinkers have been supporting centralization and decentralization from time to time. For the establishment of democracy it is increasingly felt that decentralization of power is a check upon the degeneration of democracy into dictatorship. Philosophical Radicals, organized syndicalists agree that authoritarian rule and an excessive concentration of power are among the main obstacles in the way...
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