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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “If I Were a Millionaire” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I Were a Millionaire I believe in luck. I am sure that the gates of wealth will certainly be opened on me. That is why I purchase a lottery ticket every week. As soon as I become a millionaire, I shall fulfill all my earthly desires. I will spend each rupee wisely. I shall buy a good house and equip it will all the modern facilities. I shall earmark a...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “A Prize Distribution Function” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Prize Distribution Function   The Prize Distribution Function is a great day in the life of the shining boys of the college. Brilliant students of the college wait for this function eagerly. I was a proud winner of several academic prizes this year. The Minister of Education was the Chief Guest. As the academic procession entered the hall, the students stood up in their seats. The function started with an...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “My Neighbors” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  My Neighbors It is admitted by one and that entire neighbor in India are a double edged weapon. There are good neighbors as well as bad ones. Good neighbors are a blessing from God. Bad neighbor are a curse and a scourge. I too, like all men, have neighbor to the right, to the left and in front of my house. My nearest neighbor, Mr. Dinesh, is a handsome young...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “My Favorite Book” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Favorite Book Reading books is my pastime. Books are my never-falling friends. When I am out of tune with myself, I take recourse to reading books by great writers and masterminds. I have read a number of books. Some books leave a profound influence upon our minds. The book which has appealed to me the most is “My Experiments With Truth”, written by Mahatma Gandhi. It throws a flood of...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “A Moonlit Night” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Moonlit Night   “The moon doth with delight Look round her when the heaves are bare; Waters on a starry night Are beautiful and fair.”   God is a master artist and a moonlit night is one of the most soothing. Pleasing and alluring of His creations. It is a wonderful specimen of His great art. The silvery light of the moon covering every object with a divine dress is...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “If I Were the Principle of My College” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I Were the Principle of My College If wishes were horses, they say, beggars would ride. Even then, there is no man without an ambition or desire. I have a strong desire to become the principle of my college where I am reading. I am sick of the lack luster attitude of my teachers. None of them appears to be full of any dedication or sense of duty. If I...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “A Scene at a Polling Booth” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Scene at a Polling Booth Gone are the days of the kings and dictators. Today, democracy, the goddess of freedom, is worshiped in many parts of the world. India is the largest democracy in the world. Here, general elections are held after every five years. Besides these, mid-term polls cannot be ruled out in growing democracy. Polling booths are set up at different places in cities, towns and villages. The...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Your Favorite Game” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Your Favorite Game All work and no play, they say, make  Jack a dull boy. I am not a bookworm. I believe that studies and sports should go side by side. Games are a part of education. They improve out health and make our life worth living and worth enjoying. I like many games but badminton is my favorite game. It needs a small ground and a small number of players....
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