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Essay on “The Secret Of Happiness” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Secret Of Happiness It is commonly said that happiness is a state of mind. Real happiness does not depend upon the amount of wealth and items of luxury one has but upon one’s state of mind. It is said that Alexander was unhappy even after conquering major part of the world since he felt that there was no more  world to  be conquered, Great generals and rulers like Julius Caesar,...
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Essay on “Environmental Pollution” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Environmental Pollution Our earth is the only planet in the universe which has an environment suitable for life. Air and water is needed for survival. Earth provided these essentials and man used them. This usage over the period has led to serious pollution problems that can be hazardous. Many industries have come up owing to rapid urbanization. Furthermore, there is an ever increasing demand of petrol and diesel for running various...
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Essay on “An Earthquake” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An Earthquake Essay No. 01 So far, no foolproof method has been devised to predict an approaching earthquake. Scientist have created artificial earthquakes in the laboratories to apprise the people  of their various aspects. But, it is not essential that the earthquakes should always occur in the same manner. Some earthquakes are said to start from 32 to 100 kilometers below the surface of the earth and others from 100 to...
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Essay on “Global Warming Effects” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Global Warming Effects The most prominent among the greenhouses gases is the  carbon dioxide. The maximum amount of this gas is produced in America and Europe. The greenhouses gases raise the atmospheric temperature. It is told by the intergovernmental panel on climatic change that the Global Mean Temperature of the atmosphere has risen by about one degree Fahrenheit (0.55 degree Celsius) in the 20th century and by the end of 21st...
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Essay on “Effects Of Greenhouse Gases” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Effects Of Greenhouse Gases The most prominent among the greenhouses gases is the carbon dioxide. The maximum amount of this gas is produced in America and Europe. The greenhouse gases raise the atmospheric temperature. It is told by the intergovernmental Panel on climatic change that the Global Mean Temperature of the atmosphere has risen by about one degree Fahrenheit (0.55 degree Celsius ) in the 20th century. About half of it...
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Essay on “The Menace Of Loudspeakers” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Menace Of Loudspeakers Loudspeakers are a great nuisance. They spread noise pollution which affects human nerves and can make a person, especially and infant, deaf or perhaps even dumb. No doubt, we have several other agents that spread noise pollution such as horns of motor vehicles, buzzers and hooters of factories, noises of people in markets, high volumes of TV and radio sets, juggins sounds of tractors, scooters and generators, ...
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Essay on “The Menace of Garbage” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Menace of Garbage We do dream of being a developed world by 2020 or earlier, but actually at least to this date, our country, as far as its major parts are concerned, is only a big slum. Wherever we go, we see heaps of garbage lying in the open. These heaps are not cleared for months together as the municipal  van shows up only occasionally, say after a week or...
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