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Essay on “Teenagers and Drugs” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Teenagers and Drugs   The start of college is a new and different experience for all teenagers. They must learn to adapt to their new surroundings and make new friends, as well as to try to fit in. However, many teens feel that they need to drink, smoke and take drugs to be considered cool. In a recently conducted survey on the abuse of alcohol, nicotine, and is other harmful drugs,...
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Essay on “AIDS in India” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

AIDS in India The incidence of AIDS in India is steadily rising amidst concerns that the nation faces the prospect of an AIDS epidemic. By June 1991, out of a total of more than 900,000 screened, some 5,130 people tested positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, the total number infected with HIV in 1992 was estimated by a New Delhi-based official of the World Health Organization (WHO) at 500,000,...
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Essay on “Child Labour: Causes of the Problem” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Child Labour: Causes of the Problem   As a developing country, India is faced with a multitude of social problems. One such problem, child labour, has disgraced the entire subcontinent giving it the distinction of having the largest number of child labourers in the world. Poverty is one of the most widespread reasons for the child labour system in India. Indian children are often forced to work out of necessity. Poverty...
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Essay on “Cheap Labour is a Liability not an Asset” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Cheap Labour is a Liability not an Asset   So far, large sections of India’s elite, while viewing the poor and their “tendency to over-reproduce” with disgust and contempt, have done little to push for a serious population policy. In large part this has been because they have benefited from this unending supply of cheap labour. But this unending supply of cheap and largely unskilled labour has serious unrecorded economic consequences....
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Essay on “India’s Population Crisis” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India’s Population Crisis   Few in India can deny that India is facing an intense crisis of resources. There is intense competition for the nation’s limited natural resources that is leading to quarrels between states, Communities and even families. Our land and water resources are being exploited to the hilt. The exploitation of our mineral resources is threatening our forests, nature reserves, and general ecology. Seventy percent of our energy resources...
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Essay on “Child Abuse: A Grave Crime” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Child Abuse: A Grave Crime   Child abuse, intentional acts that result in physical or emotional harm to children. The term child abuse covers a wide range of behaviour, from actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child’s basic needs. Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment. Although the extent of child abuse is difficult to measure, it is recognized as a major social...
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Essay on “Smoking is Injurious to Health” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Smoking is Injurious to Health   Cigarette smoking is one of the major killers in the world. The biggest side affect from smoking is cancer. Cancer is a group of many related diseases. All forms of cancer involve out-of-control growth and spread of abnormal cells. The risk of dying from lung cancer is 22 times higher for males, and 12 times higher for female smokers as oppose to non -smokers. Additionally,...
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Essay on “Life Without Morality is a Beast’s Life” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Life Without Morality is a Beast’s Life   Ideology is a way of thinking that reflects the social needs and political doctrines of an individual or group. There are many different people and different circumstances this results in a variety of different ways of thinking, values and beliefs. Our ideology grows with us from childhood. A child is like a sponge that absorbs ideas and beliefs. Beliefs are taught to a...
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