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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Antonio Oliviera Salazar” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Antonio Oliviera Salazar   Portugal : A Tyrant but a Man of Fame Born : AD 1889          Died : AD 1970 There was a time in Portugal when cruelty and oppression had become I synonymous with Salazar. The name ‘Salazar’ symbolized a tyrant. The tyrannical rule of Salazar has few equals in world history. But, it has to be admitted that despite his cruelty and repression, this man had some...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “David Ben-Gurian” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

David Ben-Gurian   Israel : Diplomat Born : AD 1886                    Died : AD1973 Ben-Gurian is to Israel what Mahatma Gandhi is to India. Though Ben-Gurian did not have to struggle for long as did Gandhi but the credit of announcing independence of Israel and getting the British to leave Palestine goes to Ben-Gurian. Ben-Gurian was born in Poland in the town of Polansk. He had to suffer many hardships and...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Pradeep Kumar Bannerjee” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Pradeep Kumar Bannerjee   India : Great Football Player Born : AD 1936 Pradeep Kumar Bannerjee gave a new direction to Indian football and established himself as a great and highly respected football player. He started participating in National competitions since 1952 when he was only 16 years old. This is a record in itself. He represented India in .84 matches and scored 60 goals. He was a member of the...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Mihir Sen” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Mihir Sen   India : A Swimming Champion Born AD 1930  Death 1997 What Mihir Sen achieved in his time in international swimming is significant, although the records he created have been subsequently bettered. In 1966, he established five important records and became an extra-ordinary salt-water swimmer. He was the first Asian to have crossed the English Channel. In 1959, he was awarded “Padma Shree” and in 1967 “Padma Bhushan”. In...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “George VI” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

George VI   England : British Monarch Born : AD 1895          Died : AD 1952 George VI is undoubtedly one of the most popular kings of  England, where Royalty still exists despite being a democratic country. Albert Frederick was the second son of King George V and Queen Mary. Albert ascended to the throne because his elder brother Edward VIII had to abdicate it because he wanted to marry a...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Archibald Perceival Wavell” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Archibald Perceival Wavell England : British Field Marshal Born : AD 1883 Died : AD 1950 When Wavell was appointed as Viceroy of India in 1943, it was considered as a bold decision. Britain was involved in war with Japan and Germany and Indian struggle for independence was at its peak. The British had to contain both the home front as well as the war front. However, Wavell prepared such a...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Eisenhower” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Eisenhower   USA : General and President Born : AD 1890                    Died : AD 1969 General Dwight Davis Eisenhower was popularly known as “Ike” throughout the world. He was so popular at that time that ‘I like Ike’ was a common refrain in the United States of America. Eisenhower was basically a soldier. He was the General in the army in 1942. However, he had no experience of a major...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Clement Richard Atlee” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Clement Richard Atlee   England : British Politician Born : AD 1883                    Died : AD 1967   Clement Atlee became the Prime Minister o f England after the Second World War. Winston Churchill who had successfully led England and the allies to victory over Hitler was now rejected by the English people at the hustings.  Labour Party was swept to power and Atlee became the Prime Minister. One of his...
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