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Essay on “Torture : The living Death” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Torture : The living Death Points to Develop: It takes a war or custodial death to make the subject of torture topical, only to be soon forgotten. But it is a practice continuing form the past to this day. In this past, torture was a legal procedure to extract confession or to punish. Historical overview of torture under various kinds of regimes shows its universal practice and similarity in forms. Examples...
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Essay on “Human Rights and the Indian Armed Forces” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Human Rights and the Indian Armed Forces POINTS TO DEVELOP Both terrorism and anti-terrorism operations infringe upon the human rights of affected civil societies. Provisions for protection of human rights exist both at the international and national levels. Several international laws are aimed at restricting the use of violence against those not involved in fighting. Terrorism cannot be tolerated but at the same time human rights have to be safeguarded. While...
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Essay on “Genome mapping” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Genome mapping          Synopsis: The genome mapping seems to have demystified some of the mysteries of life.  It is an epoch-making discovery, one of the most wonderful achievements, the genome mapping saw its successful commotion in June 2000. India alone accounts for some 126 thousands varieties of animal and plant life.  India is one of the 12 identified mega-centers of biodiversity. So for about 45 thousands species of plants and...
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Essay on “Clinton visits India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Clinton visits India          Synopsis:  Clinton, the US President, was on an official visit to India from 21 sty march to 25th march, 2000.  He is the most powerful personify the world and so hi visit has been quite significant in many respects. This is an age of regional groupings and economic alliances, globalization and liberalizations notwithstanding.  Many countries in the same area are coming closer in many ways for...
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Essay on “The Kargil war” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Kargil war  Essay No. 01        Synopsis:  Pakistan’s hostility towards Ian has been long and without any inconvenience rhymes or reasons.  Its brinkmanship and proxy war reflect a deep-route malaise in the psyche of its rulers.  They play communal card and sponsor Terrorism across the border tine Ina to serve their vested interests.  This denial of critical technology to India by vested interest and foreign powers can be really a...
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Essay on “Global Warming” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 Global Warming          Synopsis:  The year 1998 has been the hottest on record so far.  The 1990’s have seen the three hottest years.  The average temperature has risen by 0.2 * C in the recent decades.  As a result of global warming three have been huge and unprecedented floods, storms, cyclones etc. resulting n destruction on vast scales Ion recent years the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane...
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Essay on “The Euro has arrived” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Euro has arrived          Synopsis:  The euro, a single and common currency for eleven European countries was launched at mid-night of 31st December, 1998. Greece was not admitted to the euro while Sweden, Denmark and Brittan opted out, however, they will join it by 2001-2003. The event was hailed as the most ambitious scheme of the millennium and launched with fret enthusiasm.  It has integrated all the me] amber...
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Essay on “Defections and horse-trading” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Defections and horse-trading          Synopsis: Defections and horse-trading is one of the many dimensions of all pervasive corruption in India.  It is blatant betrayal of the trust by the elected representatives.  No political group is free from the contagion.  Power-seeking politicians engineer and manipulate defections easily in these times of fractured mandate den grab power by hook or by cork resulting in colossal waste of public money and jumbo-size trading...
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