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Essay on “Liberalization” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Liberalization   India’s serious efforts at economic reform started in 1991 when Rao government initiated a fresh wave of reforms. Since July 1991, it devalued the currency and made it partially convertible: reduced quantitative restrictions on imports; reduced importer of subsidies, including that on fertilizers; progressively liberalized inters rates; abolished production licenses for most industries; eased restrictions on repatriating dividends and royalties, established a partial tax exemption on profits from export...
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Essay on “Importance of opposition in a democracy” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Importance of opposition in a democracy   In democratic systems, the opposition is officially permitted and recognized. Even the leader of opposition is given an honorable place in the system. In India too, the opposition leader has been given certain rights and privileges like a cabinet minister. The opposition parties enable men and women who think alike on public questions to unite in support of a common body of principles and...
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Essay on “Global warming” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Global warming     The Earth has a natural system of balancing the absorption and release of heat that it absorbs from the sunlight. But, for the last few years, this balance seems to be under severe threat. There has been enormous increase in gases like Carbon dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide etc. As the temperature rises, there is a rise in sea level; due to melting of glaciers and the...
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Essay on “Terrorism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 Terrorism     Recent serial bomb blasts in Mumbai brought the issue of terrorism on center stage again. Terrorism has not become a worldwide phenomenon. Terrorism means an armed violent movement directed against government as well as non government targets, involving pre-meditated attacks with arms, ammunition and explosives against civilians, and resorting to intimidation tactics such as hostage taking and hijacking. Terrorism can also be defined as an...
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Essay on “Violence against women” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 Violence against women    Violence against women is not a new or recent phenomenon. Women have been the victims of violence all through the ages, in all societies, cultures, regions or religious communities in the world. In the Vedic period, Indian women enjoyed a relatively comfortable position. Gradually, violence against them began to be practiced; the doors of educational, economic, social, political and cultural opportunities were gradually closed...
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Essay on “Brain Drain” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Brain Drain Or  Brain Circulation     ‘Brain Drain’ means migration of highly trained manpower from one country to another. The alienation leads partly to the visible brain drain that in migration and invisible brain drain means loss of morale and creativity among those who still stay in India. Both visible and invisible brain drain produces a great national loss, which can’t be calculated in terms of money. A UN report...
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Essay on “Child labour:- A bane” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Child labour:- A bane     India is the largest child force market in the world. The problem of child labour in India is of colossal proportions. The notion that children are being exploited and forced into labour, while not receiving education crucial to development, concerns many people. The phenomenon of child labour is not, however, new or recent. Even a long time back children were being sold and purchased as...
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Essay on “Dowry: a curse” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Dowry: a curse   Dowry was originally designed to safeguard the woman and the provision was made in the form of “Sthreedhan” (“Stress means woman and “dhan” as wealth) consisting of money, property or gifts given solely to the woman by her parents at the marriage. But, the abuse of this custom eroded and aborted the original meaningful function where dowry was a safety net for the woman. It has now...
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