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Essay on “Education in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Education in India POINTS TO DEVELOP 1. The true meaning and purpose of education has sight of. Problems beset every stage- primary/secondary schools and colleges. Problems and remedies for each level of education. Hope lies in realizing problems and need for emedy. The situation in schools , colleges or universities is pretty disconcerting with several forces competing with each other in polluting the academic atmosphere, while educationists all over the country...
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Essay on “Science: Blessing or Curse?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science: Blessing or Curse? Essay No. 01 Introduction:  Impact of science on humanity is undeniable. On the face of it, science and its inventions appear to be an unalloyed blessing. However, if we ponder a little, disturbing signs too appear.           How a blessings? Effect on material well-being and mental attitudes; advantages of scientific discoveries in daily life- gadgets to remove drudgery, electricity, communication, transport, entertainment, computers; health-medicine, preventive and curative,...
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Essay on “Can television affect society?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Can television affect society?           Introduction : Recently, a French mother filed a suit against the head of a State television channel, France 2; her complaint was that her 17-year-old son died trying to emulate the hero of an American serial who mixed sugar and weed killer in the handlebar of a bicycle to manufacture a bomb. She accused the TV chief of murder and she intended to use the lawsuit...
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Essay on “Pleasures of Reading” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Pleasures of Reading                Introduction: Once , during an interview with a foreign journalist. Lokmanya Tilak said that he was ready to reside even in hell if it could provide him with sufficient reading material and reading time.           Condition of reading: Reading can be possible only when there is a script, that is, something written. There was a time when the blind could not...
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Essay on “Death penalty solves nothing” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Death penalty solves nothing Death, in any form , is an unwelcome entry into this world of ours. Death is anti-life. It feeds on everything that makes life weak, unstable, and insubstantial. The judge who pronounces the death penalty might have served the system well, but the does immense disservice to himself, to his species, to all that he stands for outside the ambit of the system to which he owes...
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Essay on “Indians are non-violent by nature” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indians are non-violent by nature India has been a votary of non-violence and peace since time immemorial. The country has not only given to the world pioneers of non-violence, like Buddha, Mohavira, Ashoka, Gandhi, etc., but the general masses also have been found lacking in an aggressive and militant outlook.           In fact, some historians have pointed out that the non-violent nature of the Indian many a time proved to be...
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Essay on “Green activism can go too far” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Green activism can go too far Natural resources, however bountiful , are bound to be depleted beyond repair if industrial progress is driven for long by a hedonistic pursuit of  profits. The industrially advanced countries took more than two centuries to realize that material progress has been achieved at the cost of a clean environment. That, however, is no reason why India and other such developing countries should ignore or tolerate...
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Essay on “Is government going out of fashion?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Is government going out of fashion?                    Economic thinking, akin to fashion, changes so quickly that yesterday’s truths become today’s falsehoods, yesterday’s oddities, today’s dogma. Once, not long ago, state control of a large area of the economy was accepted. Then came Thatcherism and Reaganomics; state intervention in the economy was attacked and pravastatin came to be increasingly in vogue. The late Eighties and early Nineties saw the collapse of socialism...
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