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Essay on “My Favourite Hobby” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Favourite Hobby Introduction. A hobby is an amusement. Properly speaking, it is any  interesting pursuit which we take up in our leisure hours. Kinds of Hobbies.  (a) Collecting things such as stamps, flowers, pictures, old books, and  curios. (b) Games and sports. (c) Photography, painting, wood-carving, etc. (d) Gardening. My  Favourite Hobby. My favourite hobby is collecting stamps. I have an album in which I have  pasted stamps of different countries,...
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Essay on “A Hockey Match” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Hockey Match Last Sunday I witnessed a very keenly contested hockey match between the  National College and the Government College. Large crowds of spectators gathered to witness the final match of the year. A match during the first half It was a brisk game from the very ‘start.  The center forwards of the National team pressed their opponents hard. At first, they seemed to carry everything before them. At one...
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Essay on “A Visit to the Museum ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Visit to the Museum  A visit to the National Museum a peep into our rich national heritage  — a very fine collection of specimens of Indian arts and crafts — old Buddhist figures and  carvings Asoka’s pillars with the edicts carved on them statues, images, coins and engravings  of the Golden Age of the Guptas — a peep into the Rajput chivalry — shields, swords, lances,  spears and armour used...
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Essay on “A Municipal Election ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Municipal Election  Atmosphere of excitement two candidates contesting a seat — both sides  confident hand-bills distributed posters pasted on walls — election manifestoes by the  candidates — canvassing for votes — even the humblest voter had his importance — appeals,  persuasions, allurements — all sorts of things employed by both the parties to capture votes —  election day itself — opening of the poll — loud-speakers rend the air —...
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Essay on “A Visit to an Exhibition” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Visit to an Exhibition The National Industrial Exhibition held in the National Park —  organized by the Central Government — Opened by the Prime Minister — elaborate arrangements for  visitors as well as exhibitors — hundreds of stalls — all beautifully and tastefully decorated  — stall-holders from all parts of the country — varieties of industrial products exhibited —  shawls, saris, things made of ivory, leather goods, rugs, blankets, pottery,...
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Essay on “Scenes at a Village Well” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Scenes at a Village Well A village well — a busy haunt of the village men and women in  the morning and in the evening. Women are there with their pitchers. It is an important  meeting-place for them. Water-carriers are also there with their vessels. Buckets are lowered  and pulled up. The wheel and axle produce a creaking noise.  Scenes at the well. Women are  drawing water and filling their pitchers....
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Essay on “Recollections of My Childhood” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Recollections of My Childhood My childhood was a sheltered and uneventful one …. In the evenings usually many friends came to visit father and he would relax after the tension of the day and the house would resound with his tremendous laughter. His laugh became famous in Allahabad. Sometimes I would peep at him and his friends from behind a curtain, trying to make out what these great big people said...
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