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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Louis Pasteur” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Louis Pasteur   France : Great Scientist Birth :1822        Death : 1895 Louis Pasteur is the most famous French scientist and one of the greatest scientists of the world. He became a great benefactor of mankind by his discoveries in the fields of medicine and chemistry. Pasteur found cure for a number of diseases like chicken pox, hydrophobia or rabies and also discovered an inoculation against the dreadful disease of...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Tansen” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Tansen   India: Immortal Singer Birth : 1506       Death : 1589 Tansen was the greatest musician of his age. He was one of the nine gems in the court of Akbar. Everybody who heard him singing was spellbound. When Tansen was in the court of Akbar, he Started to compose new Ragas or melodies based on classical Indian music. Tansen had a friendship with the great poet Surdasa and used...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Sir Conan Doyle” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Sir Conan Doyle Scotland : Creator of ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Birth :1859                  Death : 1930 The Universal fame of Arthur Conan Doyle rests on his creation of `Sherlock Holmes’, one of the most wonderful and fascinating characters in the western detective fiction. Sherlock Holmes appeared as the most pleasing and entertaining character to the readers of detective fiction. Sherlock Holmes appears to the readers as a quiet, intelligent character who is...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Tulsidas” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Tulsidas India : Great Hindi Poet Birth :1532        Death : 1623 Goswami Tulsidas is the leading poet of the Bhakti movement. He was a great reformer of Hindu Society. Tulsidas was born in an age when Hindu society was losing its religious and cultural sanctity and felt disillusioned in the wake of foreign invasions. He showed them the path and presented before them true and noble ideals to be followed...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Alexander the Great” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Alexander the Great   Macedonia : Greatest Conqueror in History Birth : 356          Death : 323 B.C. Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia. After the death of his father, he succeeded to the throne of Macedonia in 336 B.C. On succeeding to the throne, Alexander had to face many revolts within his country but he suppressed them all with great success. After establishing his unchallenged supremacy...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Homer” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Homer Greece: Classical Poet and Writer Birth :—Death : 9th Century B.C. Homer is a controversial poet both because of his life and works. But this in no way has affected the fame and greatness of his two classical poetical works Illiad and Odyssey. Both these literary masterpiece’s of Homer are a unique blend of poetry and tale and are based on the Greek-Trojan War which took place in the 13th...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Kapil Dev” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Kapil Dev   India: World Famous All-Rounder (Cricket) Birth : 1956 Kapil Dev is India’s finest all-rounder in cricket. He is the only Indian cricketer and second in the world (after Ian Botham of England) to have crossed 319 wickets and 3889 runs in 92 test matches. The man credit of India’s victory at the World Cup, held in England in 1983 also goes to Kapil Dev. His brilliant knock of...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Salim Ali” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Salim Ali   India: World Famous Ornithologist Birth : 1896 Death : 1987 Dr. Salim Ali is one of the most widely known ornithologists in the world today. It was the undying curiosity of a ten year old Salim in 1906, that turned him into an internationally acclaimed bird scientist. Even as a child, Salim Ali was fond of roaming in the free atmosphere of nature. For this reason, he also...
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