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Festivals of India A festival is a celebration of life. Festivals break the monotony of life. They bring peace and joy to the masses. All nations have their religious and cultural festivals, and Indian festivals are numerous. They are harmonious, rich, varied, and colorful. Indian festivals are as varied as the people themselves. Diwali is the most prominent of Hindu festivals. It is the festival of lights. This festival is celebrated...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
How to make India a safe haven for women? According to a survey report, India is ranked as the fourth most dangerous country in the world for women. Other crimes against women include domestic violence, stalking, and molestation, to name a few. The question is, what is India doing wrong? Is it the society that is the problem? The first step towards women’s empowerment involves breaking of the great wall of...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Coaching Classes – Are they worth it? Today, coaching classes have become ubiquitous in the lives of city students. It is impossible to imagine students’ lives without them. They are simultaneously a compulsion, and at the same time criticized a lot for spoiling education Attending coaching classes is not only a waste of time for students who are sincere and would study under any conditions but also a burden for ones...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Natural Disasters Natural calamities have been a cause of great destruction and devastation on Earth. Natural calamities are unpredictable in nature and often occur all of a sudden. Due to this nature, avoiding them is almost impossible. However, we can take certain precautions that will help keep the level of devastation down and save precious human lives. For disasters like floods and landslides, the plantation of trees is a good long-term...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
College Life Many young adults seem to believe that college life is filled with parties and typically a laid-back lifestyle. They imagine a lifestyle with no other worries besides occasional tasks. It is often said that college is the greatest time of one’s life; many high school students believe this and look forward to it. Some enjoy the idea of being able to come to class late, leave when they want,...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Students and Social Service Students are not separate from society. They are also social beings like other classes of people. So, it should not be assumed that students should just study, play and appear for examinations. In India where the poor and underprivileged are so many, social service has a great importance and a very large scope too. They can help the nation in multiple ways. They can work for the...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
The State of Education Today Education was something that was always driven by devotion and thought. Helped by their own volition, teachers were successful potters moulding men and women into good citizens. Sadly, today the department of education has been corrupted by the commercialization of education that manufactures solipsists but doesn’t nurture altruists. While it is true that education must evolve as time passes but commercialization of education is the worst...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), Languages1 Comment
Brain drain is a bane for India According to a UN definition, the flight of talent that is required for a country’s development, to another country is called brain drain. It was with great effort and high hopes that we set up our institutes of higher education. It is unfortunate that thousands of our doctors and engineers are leaving the country every year. We have a large pool of scientific and...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
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