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Yoga: A Holistic Approach to Health You are truly healthy when you are not just physically fit but also mentally and emotionally balanced. Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, a peaceful mind, good health – whatever you may be looking for, yoga has it on offer. Very often, yoga is only understood as being limited to asanas. As such, its benefits are only perceived to be at...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Private Cars or Public Transport? The Delhi government recently announced Car-free days in a bid to decrease congestion on roads and encourage commuters to use public transport. The number of cars on Delhi roads is on the rise owing to the rising purchasing power of the middle class coupled with the desire to compete with others. Hardly do they realise that how much congestion and pollution is caused due to this...
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July 22, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Poor Physical Fitness among Students Long school hours and hectic studies are eating into the physical fitness of school children. It is a sad part of our education system which gives little importance to building good physique and fitness among the students. An interview with the parents of several school-going children also reinforced this concern. Too much of emphasis on academic curricula tends to ignore the health of the students. The...
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June 4, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Mobile Phones – Not Just Means of Communication Mobile phones are the in-thing for the day. They are truly the handsets of the twenty-first century. The world is now at the command of your thumb Distances have a meltdown with them and have brought the world closer. They are a thing of necessity not only for the younger generation but for the old alike. They are the surest and fastest means...
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June 4, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Whither Indian Youth – Neither Here Nor There The aping of western culture by our youth is eating into our age-old culture and values. This erosion of values inherited down the ages is a matter of concern for everyone. Invasion from the sky, in the form of foreign TV channels, is telling big blow to our youth. Scantily clad women gyrating their bodies in the most explicit sexual overtures on MTV...
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May 25, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Mobile Phones – Public Nuisance and Things of Display Mumbai, March 10, 2004 (Malik) With the revolution in mass communication, mobile phones have become handy and within reach of the common man. But we find blatant misuse of it also. Even in sacred places of worship, we are not free from its ‘tring tring’. They keep on buzzing even in the classroom when the lecture is on. It seems that they...
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May 25, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Write an article on the latest craze for tuition classes. For a large number of students and parents, going for tuition classes for extra coaching has become a regular practice. Coaching Centres – The Latest Craze Attending tuition classes has become more of a fashion these days. In an age of competition, there is a cut throat competition among the students to excel in studies. The limited opportunities for admission...
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May 25, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Write an article on this issue highlighting the health hazard that may be caused. As You are much concerned about the quality of the unhygienic food supplied at some of the fast-food centers in your locality, which is highly detrimental to health. Hazards of Unhygienic Fast Food The unhygienic food supplied at the K. M. Chain of Stores in Surat is a matter of great concern. It was found out...
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May 25, 2022 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
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