Home » Paragraph Writing » Paragraph on “The Bronze Age” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Paragraph on “The Bronze Age” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Bronze Age

It was in about 6000 B.C. in Middle East that man first tried to make things out of metal and copper was the first metal used. At first man just hammered natural pieces of this soft metal to form various shapes. Subsequently he learnt how to heat copper and other metals to a stage when they became liquid. This molten liquid was then poured into moulds and various shapes were formed. The use of these metals proved useful in making various tools, weapons and implements for farming. Bronze was probably discovered accidentally when some copper got mixed with tin. This discovery however proved to be a blessing since bronze was harder than copper and didn’t break or bend as easily as copper. The age between 6000 B.C. and 1000 B.C., the Bronze age, also had other developments. Around 5500 B.C. there was the advent of farming on a large scale which led to development of irrigation systems in Mesopotamia and the use of the first plough. In 3500 B.C. the first cities were developed in Mesopotamia and in the following years the use of bronze spread to other parts of the world including India, China and Europe.


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