69th Independence day was celebrated in Govt. Model High School, Sector-34-C, Chandigarh with fervor

    eVirtualGuru Educational News                                69th Independence day was celebrated in Govt. Model High School, Sector-34-C, Chandigarh  with fervor.  Dr. Vinod Sharma, the head of the institution hoisted national flag and gave a speech laying emphasis on the importance of Independence day. Salute was given by the scouts and Guides. The students performed play, sang patriotic...
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Govt. Sr. Sec. School Raipur Khurd celebrated 68th Independence Day.

  eVirtualGuru Educational News The 68th Independence Day was celebrated amidst a lot of zeal and enthusiasm in GSSS RK, Chandigarh. The program started with flag hoisting by the Principal Mrs. Neena  Kalia alongwith the tunes of Vande Mataram echoing. The students presented various items like patriotic songs, speeches and poems. The school principal delivered a speech on the occasion and gave the message of national integration to the students. The...
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Essay on “A Visit to a Historical Place” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Visit to a Historical Building Or A Visit to a Historical Place Or The Taj Mahal 5 Best Essays on “A Visit to a Historical Place” Essay No. 01 The Taj Mahal is the most magnificent building in India.  It is called ‘one of the seven wonders of the world.”  It was built by the Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan in the sweet memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal.  Twenty...
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Essay on “If I Become The Prime Minister of India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I Become The Prime Minister of India Or If In Become An All Powerful Person in India for a Year   Essay No. 01     Pen in hand, I wonder, what I should write.  What an idea!  Can I become the Prime Minister of India? Well, why not? There are no basic qualifications for that.  I am a citizen of free India.  I have all the qualifications of a...
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Essay on “Cowards Die many a Time Before their Death” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Cowards Die many a Time Before their Death Or “They Never Die who Die in a Great Cause”                   This famous quotation:                 “Cowards die many a time before their death,                 The valiant never taste of death but once,”                 Occurs in Shakespeare’s play, ‘Julius Caesar’.  It is a part of a speech by Caesar in reply to his wife Calpurnia’s warning that he should not move out of...
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Essay on “A College Function” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A College Function Or The Annual Prize Distribution Function of Your College   Several functions are held in every college but the annual Prize Distribution Function has its own place in the academic life of the college.  Good students have an eye on this function all through the year and they wait for it very eagerly.  It is this function that motivates the students to do their best in the fields...
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Essay on “My Likes and Dislikes” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Likes and Dislikes      The subject calls upon me to make an open confession.  Let me take courage and confess what I like and what I dislike.                 My likes and dislikes are rather limited.  The first thing I positively dislike is the nerve racking discipline imposed upon the youngers by the elders or by those in authority.  Why should anybody bother my life with do’s and don’ts? Why...
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Essay on “Adversity Brings out the Best in Man” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Sweet are the uses of Adversity Or Shun not the Struggle, It’s God’s Gift Or Adversity Brings out the Best in Man      William Shakespeare, that great doyen of English literature, wrote this lovely line way back in the 16 century, about 400 years ago. But even today, it remains as true as it was when  it first crossed that great dramatist’s mind.  Everybody desires prosperity.  Who does not want to...
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