Essay on “Discoveries and Inventions of Man endangered his life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Discoveries and Inventions of Man endangered his life “LORD WHAT FOOLS THESE MORTALS BE” Despite the premium which man places upon his discoveries and inventions, ideas and ideals, rationale and skill, he has not been able to touch even the fringe of wisdom. His inventions and discoveries have landed him in such a situation as has endangered his existence, shaken the foundations of the citadel of knowledge which he has been...
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Essay on “Civilization Age” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Civilization Age “AS CIVILIZATION ADVANCES POETRY ALMOST NECESSARILY DECLINES” The authenticity of this hurried statement of young Macaulay has been exposed to criticism from various quarters. But at the same time, it cannot be denied that this controversial point has its own charm and weight which has withstood the adverse criticism. The terms Civilization and Poetry have a wide range of definitions and aspects. Every aspect, introduces us to a new...
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Essay on “God Plays an Important role in man’s life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  God Plays an Important role in man’s life “IF GOD DOES NOT EXIST IT WOULD BE NECESSARY TO INVENT HIM” Whether God is a reality, concept or myth is difficult to decide. Those who try to find a tangible proof, fail to find any but those who start with faith, find Him in every atom and every creation. There is ultimate reality, if we take our reasoning to its logical...
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Essay on “Two Contradictory faces of human nature” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Two Contradictory faces of human nature “PEACE HATH ITS VICTORIES NO LESS RENOWNED THAN WAR” Two contradictory forces of human nature-pugnacity and love of peace-have been struggling from times immemorial for supremacy. If was is the natural urge of man and the spontaneous growth of his pugnacious nature then peace is the demand of a social life and pre-requisite of social cohesion. War results in the victor and the vanquished,...
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Essay on “Freedom is the birth-right of man” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Freedom is the birth-right of man “MAN IS BORN FREE BUT EVERY WHERE HE IS IN CHAINS” Freedom is the birth right of man. Life is reduced to a meaningless drift towards and end if man does not enjoy freedom. Freedom of speech helps in the development of the personality of man, his ideologies are trimmed into a shape, his ideas have a better flowering. Till a person speaks out...
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Essay on “Modernity” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Modernity Modernity is a Question not of Time but of Outlook Modernity does not mean contemporariness of certain ideas, or ideals. Even the contemporary ideas may be old enough to be considered modern, their inspiration can be traced back to ideas of the past. Naturally they become quite old in their spirit. If an idea emerges out of the present circumstances even then it is not modern. In fact modernity lies...
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Essay on “The past is the root of the present” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Past is the root of the Present TIME PAST AND TIME FUTURE, WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN AND WHAT HAS BEEN, POINT TO ONE END, WHICH IS ALWAYS PRESENT The past is the root of the present whereas the present is the seed of the future; the pastness of the past has its present too. If the present is the culmination of the past, it is also the take-off stage for...
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Essay on “Democracy and Dictatorship ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Democracy and Dictatorship  “DEMOCRACY SUBSTITUTES ELECTIONS BY THE INCOMPETENT MANY FOR THE CORRUPT FEW” The 18th century poet, Alexander Pope correctly said, “For forms of government let fools contest, whichever administered best is best”. If dictatorship is the tyranny of one, aristocracy is the exploitation of the many and democracy is the cult of incompetence. A dictator is generally and efficient administrator whereas ministers, are inexperienced so bad administrators. Man has...
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