Learn online DBMS “Insert Command in MySQL” Complete Lesson 11

  INSERT COMMAND – This command is used to insert a tuple in a relation. We must specify the name of the relation in which tuple is to be inserted and the values. The values must be in the same order as specified during the Create Table command. For example, consider the following table Teacher: CREATE TABLE Teacher  ( Teacher_Namevarchar(20) NOT NULL, Teacher_IDinteger, Dept_Nointeger DEFAULT 234,   Subject varchar(20) );  ...
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Learn online DBMS “Alter Table Command” Complete Lesson 10

ALTER TABLE COMMAND– This command is used to modify the base table definition. The modifications that can be done using this command are: Adding a column: Suppose we want to add a column Date_of_Birth in the Teacher table. Following command is used to add the column: ALTER TABLE Teacher ADD Date_of_Birth date; Teacher table is shown before and after the modification in the following figure: Dropping a column: A column can...
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Learn online DBMS “Drop Table Command in MySQL” Complete Lesson 9

DROP TABLE COMMAND:This command is used to delete tables. For example, suppose you want to drop the Teacher table then the command would be:   DROP TABLE Teacher CASCADE;   Thus Teacher table would be dropped and with the CASCADE option, all the constraints that refer this table would also be automatically dropped. However if the requirement is that the table should not be dropped if it is being referenced in...
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Essay on “Religious Fundamentalism ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Religious Fundamentalism  Religious fundamentalism is increasing in the entire world including India. It is rampant in Islamic countries like Egypt, Algeria, and Pakistan. Even China is not bereft of it. Pakistan was created on the basis of religion. Hostilities between two major communities in India is not a new thing. In recent years since the demolition of Babri Mosque feeling of mistrust has increased between Hindus and Muslims. Hindu fundamentalism...
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Essay on “Role of opposition party in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Role of opposition party in India The role of opposition party in a democracy is very important. Parliamentary type of government operates on political parties. In India Multi-Party System exists. In the past there has been a dominance of single political party, i.e., Congress party. In recent years, opposition party has been playing decisive role in democratic polity in our country. Gradually it has increased its size and significance. Also...
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Essay on “The Concept of Secularism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  The Concept of Secularism What is secularism? Secularism is Western concept. According to Western concept, secularism meant separation of state from religion. Individuals were free to practice any religion but state was neutral on religious matters. The concept developed during state and church controversy in 15th century in West. But in India, concept of secularism is different. India is a secular state. The word `secularism’ was added to our Preamble...
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Essay on “Democracy without discipline is meaningless ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Democracy without discipline is meaningless  Essay No. 01 Working of democracy imposes certain responsibilities and obligations upon the people as well as upon men in power. Democracy does not mean liberty sans limits; if people give a free play to their activities for realising the wishes it becomes a serious hindrance in the working of democracy. The democratic government takes a lenient view of the popular risings because they fear...
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Essay on “Role of Press” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Role of Press Essay No. 01 Democracy has least to do with the structural aspect; it is more concerned with developing democratic forces within and without. It not only allows the active participation of the people in administration it also makes them worthy of that participation. So if is to go on working vigorously and is to make people fearless so that they can defend and preserve it, it must...
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