Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “The Republic Day” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
The Republic Day
The Republic Day is a national festival. On 26th of January, 1950 India became a sovereign democratic republic and the Constitution of India came into force. It is a red-letter day because the pledge taken on 26th January, 1930 to attain ‘Swaraj’ was at last fulfilled. This day is a national holiday. It is celebrated on 26th January every year.
The Republic Day is celebrated with great pomp and show in every nook and corner of India. In Delhi it is celebrated on a grand scale. People visit Delhi to witness the Republic Day celebration at India Gate. A running commentary of the ceremony is broadcast and it is telecast. An ultimate and perfect programme is chalked out to make the celebration a resounding success.
A good arrangement is the specialty of this celebration. Pipe railings are fixed from Vijay Chowk to India Gate and beyond. The police regulates human as well as vehicular traffic. The seating arrangements are made in the lawns near India Gate.
The Prime Minister lays a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti. The President arrives with the invited foreign dignitary in a bullet-proof car. He is escorted by his own bodyguards mounted on horses. He and the foreign dignitary are received by the Prime Minister. The President hoists the national flag and takes the position at the dies and takes salute of the three wings of the armed forces—land, navy and air. Country’s might is displayed proudly.
The parade starts from Vijay Chowk. The procession includes three wings of the army, NCC cadets, Delhi Police, etc. The soldiers march briskly. The band plays martial tunes. Param Vir Chakra awardees lead the march. Bravery award winners riding an elephant pass getting much clapping.
Tableaux are the special attraction. Pageants from different states and Union territories thrill the onlookers. School children perform different items like dance, aerobics, drill, etc. Folk dancers perform tribal dances. The final touch is given by the Air Force. The planes dipping down and rising up enthral everybody. The jet planes passing gases through the fuel pipes making the tri-coloured National Flag is just superb.
At night all the important government buildings are beautifully illuminated. This historic day is commemorated with all pomp and show.