Essay on “If I Were Dress Designer” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
If I Were Dress Designer
Being a dress designer is today well in fashion and this section of people are in to-day’s date minting money. What the dress designers are doing is just the fusion of western and eastern dresses, and all that, just to capture the global market.
However if I were an Indian dress designer, my scheme of things would be absolutely different to what plans are presently in vogue. First and foremost I feel that, we must understand the purpose of a dress which is mainly to cover the body and then to make it look beautiful. This being the basic purpose of dressing so what the designers should be doing is to find innovative patterns of dresses that make the wearer look beautiful, elegant, and poised.
With this View and idea of what is to be expected of a dress designer, he/ she should start with this premise, that is, to make dresses that cover the body and also make the wearer look beautiful. Besides, being an Indian dress designer entering a world market in my view should aim at the spread of Indian dresses and a marketing of Indian wear, Indian fashion outside the country. However, what the present crop of Indian dress designers are doing is adapting foreign dresses and fashions to Indians, and they make Indian models wear western dresses. This I feel is not really popularising Indian dresses abroad, instead it is they’re copying western fashions and making them enter the Indian . market. This is what is done by most of the Indian dress designers and that is why we see more of westernising of Indians instead of introducing Indian dress code in the global market.
If I were an Indian dress designer, instead of bringing western outfits into India, I would try to entice the west to the beauty and elegance of the Indian dresses. My work ‘ would be to convince people about the beauty and elegance found only in Indian dresses. The Western dresses are already found commonly around the globe. What are we doing by joining the bandwagon? We should introduce some innovative Indian dresses in Indian indigenous materials made to suit the western market. I feel that, we should enter the foreign market in this way the Indian way. India had myriads of fabrics, several craftsmen, and a variety of dresses. If it could be made possible to make all these Indian items and dresses adapted to the world’s wardrobe, then, and then only we would be entering the global market. Thus, if I were to be an Indian dress designer my methodology of work would be absolutely different to what it is at present. Instead of introducing western dresses in the world and Indian market make Indian items for glamour more common in my dresses. I would also try to make dresses more comfortable to suit western styles, but, only to the extent to which they would not lose their Indian identity. My view is that, the identity of Indian dresses should not be lost when Indians work at dress designing. We should present Indian dresses adapted to western styles instead of presenting western styles adapted to Indians. In this way I think I would establish the Indian identity of dresses designed by Indian designers. Presently whatever our Indian designers are producing is just the repetition of western dresses so where is the Indianness expected from Indian designers.
The Indian touch, the Indian style, and the Indian View should be maintained in our dresses designed by Indian designers.