Essay on “Care of the Aged” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Care of the Aged
The advancement in medical science has increased the life expectancy. People live longer than they used to. But they retire from active life when they are still capable of performing well As a result they feel useless, unwanted and begin to wither away out of sheer lack of purpose in life. The changes in the life styles, such as breakdown of joint family system,- working couples and lack of understanding by the younger generation has led to total alienation of the aged. The elderly certainly need better attention and care instead of being relegate& to the position of ayahs and baby sitters. The need of the times, is to open recreation rooms for the Aged to provide the people in their twilight years a congenial atmosphere where they can spend time, find companionship and are provided Medicare to ease the pain of old age problems. The government and voluntary organisations can play a very crucial role in developing the infrastructure needed to make the life of senior citizens comfortable.
The advancement in medical science has increased the, life span of people. Today people live longer than they used to. But unfortunately where science has provided Man with longer, healthier life span, it has not provided many solutions for the problems of the aged. Undoubtedly, there has been a marked interest in the problems and psychology of aging in the last couple of years, but not much has been done to make the people in their twilight years feel wanted, secure and happy. They feel lonely, bored and unwanted and as a consequence wither away: Love and a sense of purpose in life are two things which help man to carry on under most adverse circumstances. Unfortunately, elderly feel devoid of both in the modern society.
Before the advent of industrialisation, people used to live in joint families. Thus old people, even after retirement felt. useful, were sought after for advice and relived their childhood playing With their grandchildren., But as the joint family system broke down and was replaced by nuclear family System, the old people became an unwanted lot. The old value system was replaced by a new one. Besides the social and economic changes in the society as a result of industrialisation led to more wow joining, the work force to share the burden of providing for the family. The communication gap increased, and the young could no longer understand the old people and began to find them interfering, rigid and a nuisance.
In primitive societies the life span was comparatively shorter, e.g. Arawaks of British Guyana seldom attained 50 years. In such societies old age had been considered the best years of life. The old were warehouses of knowledge and were looked upon with awe and respect. It no longer holds true.
Most people do not plan life after retirement. In the Indian context, old people expect to be looked after by their offspring, which of late is proving a misplaced hope. Retirement is a period of great psychological, social, economical and physical change. If one Ins failed to provide for the old age, has not cultivated any interests other than work to sustain them in leisure time, then life can be very difficult and empty. The whole family gets affected when the head of the family retires. Most men get satisfaction and their sense of worth from their occupation and profession. On retirement they feel a loss of status, identity and social prestige. They no longer feel useful and needed. It is a period of great social and psychological adjustment. Under the changed pattern of living, the children are not able to provide the support needed in these traumatic years.
The newer generation, perhaps, is so involved in their work and in attempts to carve out a comfortable life in these competitive times, where everyone seems to be racing against time, that they fail to understand. the trauma of the old parents or other members of the family. Most old people depend on their families for companionship. A drop in the income and growing infirmity makes it no longer possible for them to entertain friends or to move around easily. It is at this stage, when their confidence is dwindling, help, is most needed. But actually what happens in most modern houses, is that the old are relegated to the position of housekeeper and baby Sitters. They have to be useful to remain in the house and, accept whatever comes their way as their plight. Life of such indignity, dependence and-resignation ultimately affects their health. No wonder they start awaiting death.
It is in light of these unhappy circumstances, some organisations began to actively think in terms of opening ‘Homes for the Aged’. These homes have been in existence ,in the western countries for a long time now. The concept is only now gaining acceptance in our country. There are organisations like ‘Helpage India’ and ‘Ageaid’ which are doing commendable work to provide not only homes to the aged but also an environment which is conducive to their well being. There is a growing awareness of the needs of old people. They need to meet like-minded people, lead more peaceful life and still feel useful as part of the society.
Schools and voluntary organisations can play a vital role in making the young aware of the needs of the old people by taking them to these ‘Homes’ for a visit and motivate them to extend a helping hand. It is indeed heartening to know that in some metropolitan cities a movement in the right direction has begun, whereby school children voluntarily adopt grandparents from such homes to give them fuller life till their end.
Recent spate of killing of old people in Delhi brought to light the vulnerability of this group. The police too must provide them security and educate the old not to open the door to strangers.
The more active among the old should be involved in community work while others can be encouraged to develop some talent which they were unable to do in their working life. Above all, it is imperative to educate the people to prepare mentally and financially for post-retirement period.
It can no longer be denied the aged need care and if they won’t get it in their homes, then ‘Homes for the Aged’ will have to be opened so that people in their twilight years can lead a life of dignity. The Government and the voluntary organizations should seriously take steps to provide infrastructure needed to make the life of the senior citizens comfortable in due time it will gain social acceptance.
The Government have also implemented the scheme for the Welfare of the Aged during 1992-93. Under this scheme, voluntary organisations Working in this field for at least two years are given 90 per cent grants-in-aid for setting up of old age homes, day-care centres and mobile Medicare units and grant for non-institutional services for the welfare of aged.