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Essay on “A Visit to Taj Mahal” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

A Visit to Taj Mahal

A visit to Agra cannot be called complete unless one sees the Taj- the Crown of the World. This peerless tomb was built by Shahjahan after the loss of his wife, Mumtaj Mahal , as a token of his great love for her. It is said that it took twenty –two years to build, and that twenty thousand  men together were employed at one time on the work. 

The Taj Mahal is surrounded by a beautiful garden. In it tall dark cypress trees grow along the straight walks and fountains play in some places.  It has many smooth green lawns and many beds of glowing flowers. All these add to the beauty of the Taj.

The Taj itself stands on the bank of the river Jamuna. It is made of white marble. It has four tall slender white marble minarets, one in each corner of the platform around it, on which the great tomb stands. Look at it from a distance. How small and delicate. Like a fairy palace, it looks! Come nearer, and we find, how large and stately it really is. If we go up the marble steps , and stand close to it, the dome seems to soar high up into the blue sky.

The Taj is built on  a high terrace made of marble. We climbed a few steps and saw the big terrace in  the centre of which stands the Taj. There are four high towers at the four corners. Now I saw the beauty of the Taj. I never thought of so. There are verses from Quran written in black mosaic at the three sides of the gate. It is really a great work of art. I was puzzled to see its greatness and glory.

Now we went in. there is a board circular gallery all round the building. I was astonished to see the filigree work and carvings in the marble. In the center, there were two tombs of Shahjahan and his dear queen, Mumtaz Mahal. But I came to know that they were not the real tombs. The real tombs we downstairs. We went there and found that they were exactly like the other tombs above. Verses of Quran were written on the tomb of the queen. The slab over emperor was bare. I wondered to see the mosaic work of art on all sides.

It is the result of thousands of laboureres worked for twenty years to build this grand monument of the love of Shahjahan for his queen. Crores of rupees were spent.

It is really a great work of art and India is proud of it. People come down from all countries to see this wonder of wonder. Every part of the building is very attractive in a moon lit night. The Jamuna flowing by adds to its charms.

The sight of the building has made a deep impression. It is delightful to see the Taj at any time of the day. But it is most wonderful to see it in the light of the full moon. At that time it looks like a building of pearl, or a palace made of silver. It looks bright and delicate that it seems to have been made of white clouds. The gleaming white marble, the black shadows , the dim light , the silence, and the sweet scented gardens, all make it a wonderful sight to see. To save Taj Mahal from pollution  buses driven by batteries are used from Agra Fort Railway Station to Taj Mahal.

Essay No. 02

A Visit to Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal at Agra is one of the wonders of the world. There are many historical monuments in the world as well as in India but the Taj Mahal is unique in them. It is a matchless building. Lakhs of people from India and abroad visit the Taj every year. They don’t tire while commending its beauty. It is majestic in its beauty; such a beauty can be conceived only in a dream. However, the Taj is a reality, but a dreamy reality, so captivating is its beauty.  

The Taj Mahal was caused to be built by Mughal Emperor Shahjehan in the memory of his beloved queen Mumtaj Mahal. The Taj has become symbolic of intense love these days.

I along with my several school mates visited the Taj Mahal on the full moon day in October this year. The beauty of the Taj is at its peak under the silvery moonlight spreading all over the place and glamorizing the Taj. Its surroundings are well decorated with greenery and flower beds. We felt overjoyed to see the Taj. Hundreds of men, women and children had collected there to enjoy the beauty of the Taj. There were large groups of foreigners clicking their comers. We also posed for photographs.

The Taj is a wonderful dream come true in marble. Its architectural design in superb. It has four mineats on four corners with a onion shaped dome in the centre. Couplets from Koran are engraved beautifully on its walls which is again a wonder of calligraphy. Flowery designs are inset with precious coloured stones. Above all it is made up of spotless white marble. We went down the staircase and visited the graves of the emperor and the empress who lie side by side in their graves over there. Nobody is allowed to  go there with shoes on; however, canvas shoes were provided to us by the men on duty outside.   

The vision cast a magic spell on me and my friends after seeing it under the full moon that day. We felt that it was a sight fit to be seen by the gods so much inviting the Taj appeared to us that time. The green tufts of grass, and the green shoots of the Cyprus trees adorned its majestic beauty appeared to add to its majestic beauty many times more.  

I took objection to a friend’s remarks when he asked what beauty it has but its marble- made heavy structure. He also stated that many Hindu temples in Rajasthan and South India were far more beautiful than The Taj Mahal. I agreed with him that the Rajputana temples were quite beautiful and also the  Taj was concerned it has its own unique design and its execution to which he also nodded. Of course, the Taj is supremely beautiful. We felt rewarded after seeing it.


Essay No. 03

A visit to Taj Mahal

There are many beautiful and worth seeing historical places in India. But the Taj Mahal of Agra is the most beautiful of all. It is a dream in marble. My friend and I visited the Taj Mahal in the last summer vacations. The vision cast a spell over me. It stood in unique majesty. What a fine layout indeed! It looked white on all sides. The green tufts of glass and the green shoots of hot Cyprus trees adorned its majestic beauty.

We went down the staircase. We found the graves of the king and the queen under the dome in a dark chamber. The four minarets stood as watch men at each of the main building.

A full moonlight followed  the next day. We visited the Taj again that night. Its beauty smiled  in the silvery light of the moon. It Was a memorable scene. Clear picture of marble could be seen.

As god is there to bestow nature’s beauty, man’s hand is there to create wonderful pieces of art and architecture. How Could man be so perfect in working out the minute details of art? And I can still see the beauty of the Taj with my mind’s eye, if at all 1 desire so. What a great beauty man could create! The Taj Mahal was built about three hundred and fifty years ago by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, in memory of his beloved queen, Mumtaz.


Essay No. 04


A Visit to The Taj Mahal


To know history more one should visit historical buildings. It gives us the knowledge of the period and age in which it was built. We know more about the kings who made them, rather than reading in the books. Of all the places none has impressed me so much as the Taj Mahal at Agra. I can easily call it a love poem in the marble. The Taj Mahal was built by the Mughal Emperor Shahjahan, in the living memory of his queen, Mumtaz Mahal. It stands on the right bank of the river yamuna at Agra. It is built of pure white marble and looks magnificent on a full moon night. Once the Taj Mahal was one of the seven wonders of the world. Still it is one of the most beautiful building of the world. One day with my uncle wished to see the building. We saw the view of the Taj Mahal from the train at a distance. It looked grand and impressive. We went on a rickshaw. We saw the gate of the building. It was very high and beautiful. It is made of red stone. It is called Buland Darwaja.

We now saw the Taj from there. It was a white building made of white marble. We went by paths made of marble slabs. Between these paths there were cistens and fountains. Fish of all colours leaped about in them. There we saw lawns and trees on both the sides.

The Taj is built on a high terrace made of marble. We climbed a few steps and saw the big terrace in the centre of which stands the Taj. There are four high towers at the four corners. Now I saw the beauty of the Taj. I never thought of so. There are verses from Quran written in black mosaic at the three sides of the gate. It is really a great work of art. I was puzzled to see its greatness and glory.

Now we went in. There is a broad circular gallery all round the building. I was astonished to see the filigree work and carvings in the marble. In the centre, there were two tombs of Shahjahan and his dear queen, Mumtaz Mahal. But I came to know that they were not the real tombs. The real tombs were downstairs. We went there and found that they were exactly like the other tombs above. Verses from Quran were written on the tomb of the queen. The slab over emperor was bare. I wondered to see the mosaic work of art on all sides. It is said that thousands of the love of Shahjahan for his queen. Crores of rupees were spent.

It is really a great work of art and India is proud of it. People come in from all countries to see this wonder of the wonders. Every part of the building is very attractive in a moonlit night. The Jamuna flowing by adds to it charms.

The sight of the building has made a deep impression on my mind. I can never forget it. The beauty of the Taj cannot be described in words. The more you look at it, the greater is your astonishment. It is truly ‘A dream in marble’. There is nothing in the world comparable to the Taj.


Essay No. 05


A Visit to the Taj


A Visit to a Monument


A Visit to a Historical Building

The Taj Mahal is a world famous mausoleum. It is situated on the bank of the river Yamuna near Agra. It was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah jahan in the middle of the seventeenth century.

Shah Jahan built this monument in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It is said that more than twenty thousand masons and workers took more than twenty years in building this monument.

The Taj is made of pure white marble. It is one of the wonders of the world. Tagore called it ” a tear frozen on the face of eternity.”

Even after about four centuries when it was built, it has not lost its beauty. When the Mathura Oil Refinery was set up, there was a wide-spread fear about the safety of the glory of the Taj. However, at the instance of the Supreme Court, timely remedial measures were taken.

Before we reach the main building of the Taj, we walk on a path which has tall attractive cypress trees on either side. Behind the cypress trees there are vast luxurious grassy lawns.

There is a large central dome over the main building, having four spiraling minarets on each of the four sides of the building. The graves of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal lie in a dark chamber beneath the central dome.

Thousands of visitors and tourists visit the Taj annually. It is a sight to see in the moonlight, especially on the full moon night.

I visited the Taj last Monday and I would like to visit it more than once again.


Essay No. 06


Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal of India  “the epitome of love”, “a monument of immeasurable beauty”. The beauty of this magnificent monument is such that it is beyond the scope of words.

The thoughts that come into the mind while watching the Taj Mahal of Agra is not just its phenomenal beauty, but the immense love which was the reason behind its construction.

Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan got this monument constructed in the memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal with whom he fell in love at the first sight. Ironically, the very sight of the Taj Mahal, the epitome of love and romance, also leaves visitors mesmerized and perpetually enthralled. 

Standing majestically on the banks of River Yamuna, the TajMahal is synonymous to love and romance. It is believed that the name “Taj Mahal” was derived from the name of Shah Jahan’s wife, Mumtaz Mahal and means “Crown Palace”.

The purity of the white marble, the exquisite ornamentation, precious gemstones used and its picturesque location, all make -a visit to the Taj Mahal gain a place amongst the most sought-after tours in the world.

However, until you know the love story behind the construction of the Taj Mahal, the beauty of the same would not enliven in your heart and mind and instead would come up as just another beautiful building/monument.

It is the love behind this outstanding monument that has given a life to this monument. Come and explore the visceral charisma that it emanates!


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