English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Television Watching” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination
Television Watching
Television-watching is a wonderful source of delight. The youngsters and the aged alike find recreation at their own homes. When a man is tired of daily work, he retires to a room and starts listening to the television music, watching dances and adds to his knowledge by listening to the news and other commentaries. Thus television-watching gives both instruction and joy.
Television-programmes were introduced in India more than three decades ago. Therefore, the expansion of television net-work in India is yet to take place. Efforts are being ceaselessly made and much success has been achieved. The people watch this programme in the tele-clubs, which have become very popular these days. The children watch their lessons on their school television-sets and they understand these lessons very nicely.
Television-programmes have become very popular in schools. The best instructors may speak to thousands of students and thus teach the lesson in an interesting manner. The laboratory experiments are performed and the science students also usually benefit from such programmes. There are certain lessons which cannot be given in schools but on the television-sets one may receive those lessons. Sometimes, very uncommon things are shown to the students on the T.V. which are not possible in the classrooms and they are managed on the T.V. and the students understand their lessons very easily and successfully. The television lessons give both instruction and enjoyment to the students. The students sometimes watch certain films based on educational themes very clearly on the television screen. Such films give instruction and entertainment both, at a stretch.
In India we find a large number of tele-clubs in big cities, where children and elders throng to watch the films and general programmes for the children and the elders. So often programmes for adults also are splashed on the screen for the entertainment of the elders. Similar programmes are so often provided for the benefit of the children. These entertaining programmes include moral lessons, songs and dances, dramas and pictures and other important items pertaining to speeches on various topics. Very large number of people watches these programmes.
Television-sets have become much cheaper these days. Even a man with moderate income can afford to by a T.V. set. These sets are available against installments to the salaried classes and the poorer sections. Therefore in many homes we find television-sets and the children throng to watch these programmes.
Instructive films and other materials provide delight to the people. They are no longer supposed to travel long distances to enter a cinema hall to watch a film show. That practice is no longer as necessary as it was formerly. The number of film fans is becoming less day by day.
On all the important festivals and days of national importance such programmes are splashed for the benefit of the public as are considered fit for the occasion. Thus on the Independence Day and the Republic Day, the parades and the pageants are shown on the television screen. Millions of people watch these programmes everywhere.
We find television net-works all over the world. The communication-satellites are being used to splash the programmes of the television-studios and the radio stations to much extensive areas. India also is going to expand the television network. New studios are being opened at many places to make the programme available to as many persons as possible. Five new channels of Doordarshan were introduced on August 15, 1993. International channel for Doordarshan was started on March 14, 1995.
The television programmes provide all that the people need. These programmes add to our knowledge; give instruction, provide entertainment and provide recreation at our homes. Television-watching has become very popular everywhere in India and abroad.