English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Atoms in Peace and War” Complete Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Graduation Students.
Atoms in Peace and War
Every object in the universe is made up of tiny particles called atoms. These atoms are bonded together with a force of attraction. When they are pulled apart they release energy. This energy is called atomic energy.
Atom in its stable form is of no use to mankind. However, the energy that is released when two atoms break is of extreme usefulness. Years of research into the limitless power of the atom culminated in the atomic explosions over the two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Two atomic bombs involved in this explosion destroyed the two cities and made many people fall prey to cancer and many other dreaded diseases. This placed an immense source of destruction in the hands of mankind.
The problem now before the scientists of the world was to convert this power into a tool of prosperous peace. Intense research began to find various uses of atomic power. They finally arrived at a solution that this power could be used to drive turbines that produce electricity. This electricity is cheap and of very good quality. A very small amount of nuclear raw material is required to produce power in large amounts Atomic power could also be used to propel ships and submarines. Atomic power could light up cities, towns and run domestic appliances. In this way, atomic materials can replace coal, petroleum, and wood as a source of energy
Further research has shown that atomic power could prove extremely helpful in curing many incurable diseases like cancer, tumors, etc. It could also help in surgery and many other diagnostic exercises
Atomic energy can also contribute to man’s quest to understand the universe, Rockets propelled by nuclear fuel and space stations run on atomic energy do not harm the atmosphere. They are also non-toxic if is used carefully.
“Atomic energy is required only in small quantities even in the execution of very large processes. Therefore there is no need to have large storage facilities. An industrialist can thus save scarce space to set up production facilities.
To conclude we can state that the positive qualities of atomic energy far outweigh its negative aspects. It should therefore be harnessed for the benefit of mankind.
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