Play Audio Script Sir, this year our Independence Day on the 15th August assumes a new significance not only because it is the/ silver jubilee year of our independence but also has a new meaning of independence has been created by the emergence/ of Bangladesh. I want to report that the emergence of Bangladesh created a new situation and a new future for/ the whole of the Indian...
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November 13, 2015 evirtualguru_ajaygourClass 11, Class 12, Stenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-121 Comment
Sir, my friends have talked about Master Plan and Delhi’s Master Plan has been objected to. We can have differences/ on the details of the Master Plan but one thing I must say and I repeat that if Delhi has/ been saved today it is because of the Master Plan, it is because the land uses have been determined./ it is because we had decided that the town would expand...
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November 13, 2015 evirtualguru_ajaygourClass 11, Class 12, Stenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-12No Comment
Play Audio Script Mr. Deputy Chairman, Sir, let me say, at the outset, that I too, like millions who voted this Government in/ am deeply enthused by the prospects of a transformation of our country’s governance and politics, and make no bones about/ either my optimism or high expectations from this Government over the next 60 months. Sir, even the most generous amongst/ us will admit that the country...
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November 13, 2015 evirtualguru_ajaygourClass 11, Class 12, Stenography, VocationalNo Comment
Play Audio Script Sir, we have been listening to the honourable Members who spoke so many hours together on the Finance Bill. Many/ of them including you, the Chairman, have been stressing about the land ceiling. We have seen that Assam has made/ land ceiling three times. But if you go to the field, you will find not a single landless people is/ restored or provided with land and if...
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November 13, 2015 evirtualguru_ajaygourClass 12, Stenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-12No Comment
( 5 Minute Dictation, Play Dictation) This Memorandum of Information is being make by Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Limited which is an unlisted Company and neither its equity shares nor any of the bonds / debentures are listed or proposed to be listed. This issue is purely on the private placement basis and the company does not intend to get these Optionally Fully Convertible Debentures listed on...
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October 11, 2015 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, Vocational1 Comment
( 5 Minute Dictation, Play Dictation ) I have dealt with, what is called, the economics of freedom. Now, take four instance, the Communist world. There they / make up for the loneliness and insecurity with their collective working and wages according to work. Then the spy system / and mutual watchfulness is there. The sense of insecurity, therefore, exists there. A man would not be allowed to live...
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October 11, 2015 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, VocationalNo Comment
( 5 Minute Dictation, Play Dictation ) One of the greatest barriers to democratising Indian society is the whole gap between educational facilities for the children of/ the elite and those for the children for the deprived and weaker sections of the community . These discrepancies given rise / to different cultural values, to widespread frustration and discontent while at the same time perpetuating the social...
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October 11, 2015 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, VocationalNo Comment
( 5 Minute Dictation, Play Dictation) Sir, this is indeed a historic day, especially for the Sikh community and I think maybe for this House were / probably, for the first time, we will all be standing on the same side of the fence. Well I / have always fought battles for our rights, I am very happy to see that after many years and after a /...
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October 11, 2015 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, VocationalNo Comment
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