I have dealt with, what is called, the economics of freedom. Now, take four instance, the Communist world. There 7they / make up for the loneliness and insecurity with their collective working and wages according to work. Then the spy system / and mutual watchfulness is there. The sense of insecurity, therefore, exists there. A man would not be allowed to live unless / he is willing to work hard. This...
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February 12, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-12No Comment
One of the greatest barriers to democratizing Indian society is the whole gap between educational facilities for the children of/ the elite and those for the children for the deprived and weaker sections of the community . These discrepancies given rise / to different cultural values, to widespread frustration and discontent while at the same time perpetuating the social chasm which / makes a mockery of our democratic aspirations....
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February 12, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-12No Comment
Sir, this is indeed a historic day, especially for the Sikh community and I think maybe for this House were / probably,dic 5 for the first time, we will all be standing on the same side of the fence. Well I / have always fought battles for our rights, I am very happy to see that after many years and after a / long and hard battle, today, for the first...
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February 12, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-12No Comment
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I shall confine myself only to Demand No. 61 about the film industry. I wish I could / congratulate the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on its contribution to the film industry which, after textiles, has come to / be one of the biggest industries in this country. But unfortunately the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting except instituting a / few awards annually given to certain film artists,...
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February 12, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-12No Comment
I think, sir, that apart from a National Health Policy, dic 2 which I would welcome of course, there are so many / other factors on which the whole question of population control depends. My Point is that I would have expected Hon’ble president / to give the highest priority to this problem which has now reached a dimension where everybody whether in the Government / or in the...
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February 12, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-124 Comments
The Select Committee has done a very good job, studied the matter thoroughly and improved the Bill so that it/ has become more presentable. The Picture that has now emerged is clearer than it was at an earlier stage. However, / I would like to offer my comments on three or four clauses. clause 2 is very important. I would refer / to two items under, that Clause....
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February 12, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-12No Comment
I am thankful to you, Sir, for giving me a chance to speak in this debate. I am glad today / the Prime Minister opened his speech with a reference to our relations with Pakistan. I would like to draw the / attention of the House to what has been happening in the border area. I cannot attach much importance nor / do I the last 11 years, /...
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February 12, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-12No Comment
I would like to draw attention of / Government and the House to another matter. After the integration of Cooch- Behar, there has been a number of small / pockets – they have been called enclaves –some of which are surrounded by Indian territory but belong to Pakistan and some / surrounded by Pakistan territory but belong to India. Something has to be done about these pockets. It is nearly...
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December 1, 2015 evirtualguru_ajaygourClass 11, Class 12, Stenography, Vocational, Vocational 11-12No Comment
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