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Letter to To a Son Living and Working in Another City, Family Letter

To a Son Living and Working in Another City My Dear Prem, I was very happy to get your nice long letter yesterday. I was worried about that cold of yours; but now that I know you are completely better. That remind me , I met Mrs. Jankidas when I was out shopping this morning, and she told me that Suresh is graduating this May and would like to get a...
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Letter to your Younger Brother urging him to read Newspapers Regularly, Family Letter

Letter to your Younger Brother urging him to read Newspapers Regularly    Dear Kulbir, Your Principal has sent to me your result – sheet for the last house examination. Whereas you have, generally, done well in many subjects. I find that you are very weak in the subject of General Information. Now this is a serious weakness and it is essential that you make up this deficiency as soon as you can....
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How to Write Family Letters-General Rules of Family Letters

Family Letters The same general rules that apply to friendly letters apply to family letters-except that in correspondence with members of the family, people are usually more intimate and more  concerned with personal affairs. Just be sure that you are never careless or thoughtless when writing to a member of your family. They not to say anything in your letter that is ungracious or unkind. Make it a point never to...
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Letter to a Friend, giving your impression of the General English paper of High School Examination, Friendly Letter Writing

Letter to a Friend, giving your impression of the General English paper of High School Examination My Dear Kumar, My examination is over and I think I have done all my papers fairly well. The question papers in almost every subject were not very difficult, but I will write here particularly about the General English Paper. You known English has never been my strong point and I was rather worried about...
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Write a Letter to your friend, giving a Brief Description of the Election of your College, Friendly Letter Writing

Letter to your friend, giving a Brief Description of the Election of your College My Dear Gurbir, I have just in receipt of your letter, I am glad to know you have been elected a member of the Mock Parliament of your college Union. Hearty congratulation ! I wish you well in this new role of yours in the college career. Let me tell you the most thrilling and exciting election...
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