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Write a Letter From a Mother to her Daughter, Family Letter

From a Mother to her Daughter My Dear Kanta, I am very much distressed at your thinking that you have any reason to suspect the fidelity of your husband. Let me entreat you, as you love your own happiness, to suppress these early rising of passion that  can procure you nothing but the keenest anguish of heart. My child, take care of a suspicion which will not only give you present ...
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Write a Letter From a Bride to her parents on her Honeymoon, Family Letter

From a Bride to her parents on her Honeymoon Dear Mother and Dad, It is fabulously beautiful. Ashok and I just couldn’t have picked a more perfect place for our honeymoon ! We know now why it is called a “Secret Paradise”. I’m so happy, darling ! Ashok is a wonderful, wonderful husband. I know that the magic and beauty of this past week, our first week together, will always remain...
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Write a Letter To a Husband away on Business, Family Letter

To a Husband away on Business Your letter has overwhelmed me. I have read it at least a dozen times. You’ve been away exactly three  weeks from today, but it seems more like three years to me ! I’ve been so Longley without you. Everything at home is fine (except that we miss you so much)  I have been busy with the spring clearing. The weather here has lovely. It’s almost...
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Write a Letter to your Nephew telling him Inability to Attend his Marriage, with reply Family Letter

Inability to Attend Marriage Dear Nephew Nevin, I tender to you and your bride my heartiest congratulations for the happy marriage and offer my sincerest prayers for your health, wealth, prosperity and a very ling life of mutual happiness. Contrary to the preplanned programme, I am awfully sorry that I was unable to be present at the marriage celebrations because a very close and bosom friend of mine, who was accompanying...
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Write a Letter to your Niece for her “After Recovery From Long Illness”, with reply, Family Letter

After Recovery From Long Illness Dear niece Neena, How grateful are we all to God for your complete recovery form typhoid ! in the anxious live-long nights we had a sad sinking feeling. In fact, mummy had often given you up for lost and we shed secret tears. Once and again I felt that I shall have the pleasure of meeting you only perhaps in another birth. No human gauge can...
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Write a Letter to your Cousin “Job After Long Unemployment”, Family Letter

Job After Long Unemployment Dear Cousin Kumar, My heart with joy when I heard that you have reached the EI Dorado of your ambitions after a weary trudge and drudge of long unemployment. Lesser lights than you have long been employed, but then fortune favours fools, and you fortunately do not belong to that class. You have in fact paid the price of your pioneering brilliance, because your mind has long...
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Write a Letter to your Brother from Abroad, Family Letter

Letter from Abroad Dear Brother, Thanks for your letter dated 9th June. I am grateful to you  for your valued comments. I hope you will visit England and see the Western World. If you have enough time at your disposal, it will be more economical and interesting if you  land at Genoa in Italy. Then travel across the continent. In this way, you will see Europe without any extra coast. In...
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