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Letter to postmaster against a postman, Formal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to postmaster against a postman.   ………………… ……………….. …………..   To The Postmaster ……………. …………….   Sir The postman of our locality does not deserve to be allowed to remain in service. At least, he must be transferred from our locality. He is not regular in delivering the post. Then he throws the letters, including registered letters, in the open or hands them over to children.   During the last...
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Letter to Editor expressing your views on frequent electrical breakdowns, Formal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to Editor expressing your views on frequent electrical breakdowns.   ………….. ………….. …………..   To The Editor ………….. …………. ………….   Sir   Frequent electric breakdown are a great nuisance these days. They hit particularly the student community. The students are assets to society. The government should keep their interest in mind. During an electric breakdown, particularly if it takes place near the examinations, the students are unable to study....
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Letter to the Editor expressing your views on taking students on educational trips, Formal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to the Editor expressing your views on taking students on educational trips.   ……………… ……………….. …………….. To The Editor ……………. …………… …………. Sir Educational trips are very important for students. Students can’t learn everything from books or even teachers in the class-room. If they are taken to different places, they get practical experience of places, people and things. For instance, if they are taken to rural or slum areas, they...
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Letter to the Editor explaining the celebration of 2004 as the Year of Scientific Awareness in your town, Formal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12

Letter to the Editor explaining the celebration of 2004 as the Year of Scientific Awareness in your town. …………….. ……………. ……………. To The Editor ………….. …………. …………. Sir 2004 as was celebrated. The Year of Scientific Awareness in our town with great fervour. It was Government of India sponsored and academic institutions, science based organisations, research laboratories, science clubs, labour unions, employers associations, several youth and women groups and members of...
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Letter to the Editor regarding beggar problem, Formal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to the Editor regarding beggar problem …………… …………… …………… To The Editor …………. ………….. …………. Sir Begging has been banned in India by law. Yet wherever we go, we come across pestering beggars of all kinds. We find beggars in trains, buses, at railway stations, bus stands, taxi stands, outside religious places and in markets. Some of these beggers are physically challenged and others are destitutes. But many others are...
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Letter to the Editor pointing out the menace of rash driving, Formal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to the Editor pointing out the menace of rash driving.   ……………… …………….. ……………. To The Editor ……………. ……………. …………….. Sir Road accidents are so common these days that they hardly need any detail. The traffic on roads has greatly increased due to increased number of motor vehicles. In order to control this traffic the policemen concerned should be given some specific training. Speed limit on all roads should be...
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Letter to the Editor regarding the menace of stray dogs, Formal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to the Editor regarding the menace of stray dogs.   …………….. ……………. …………….. To The Editor ……………….. ……………….. Sir The menace of stray dogs has assumed an alarming proportion in our cities and towns. It is generally very difficult for one to visit the house of a friend or relative. We often hear children and old people in particular bitten by stray dogs. The superstitious people in our society throw...
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Letter to the Editor regarding excessive use of loudspeakers, Formal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to the Editor regarding excessive use of loudspeakers. ……………… ……………… ………………   To The Editor …………….. ……………. ……………   Sir Loudspeakers are a great health hazard. Wherever you go you hear the mindless blaring of loudspeakers. People use loudspeakers on several occasions such as marriages, party conferences, festivals, religious congregations, Jagratas’ and so on. The people who are most disturbed and hurt are infants, the infirm, the invalid, and, above...
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