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Top 10 Exercises for Precis writing for Class 10, 11, 12 and Graduation and other classes Examination. Solved Precise 2

Precis Writing
Write precis of the following passage and give it a suitable heading:   EXERCISE 1 Character is destiny. Character is that on which the destiny of a nation is built. One cannot have a great nation with men of small character. If we want to build a great nation we must try to train a large number of young men and women who look upon others as the living images of...
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Precis writing solved exercise with Title “Rejuvenating India’s Past” for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Precis exercise on “Rejuvenating India’s Past” It is not this that we have to break with, but with all the dust and dirt of ages that have covered her up and hidden her inner beauty and significance, the excrescences and abortions that have twisted and petrified her spirit, set it in rigid frames and stunted her growth. We have to cut away these excrescences and remember afresh the core of that...
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Precis writing solved exercise with Title “The Effect of Books” for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Precis exercise on “The Effect of Books” The effect of books is twofold; they preserve knowledge in time and spread it in space. Suppose for example, that you think of an important idea or a beautiful poem. Unless you can write it down, your idea or poem will probably die when you do. Even if you do write it down, it perishes as soon as the mice cat the paper, which...
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Precis writing solved exercise with Title “Value of Self-reliance” for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Precis exercise on “Value of Self-reliance” Self-reliance is the pilgrim’s best stall, the worker’s best tool. It is the master key that unlocks all the difficulties of life. “Help yourself and Heaven will help you” is a maxim which receives daily confirmation. He who begins with crutches will generally end with crutches. Help from within always strengthens, but help from without always enfeebles the recipient. It is not in the sheltered...
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Precis writing solved exercise with Title “The Spirit of Worship in Man” for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Precis exercise on “The Spirit of Worship in Man” Even if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. Perhaps, that is true, and indeed, the mind of man has always been trying to fashion some such mental image or conception which grew with the mind’s growth. But there is something also in the reverse proposition; even if God exists, it may be desirable not to look up...
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Precis writing solved exercise with Title “Aim of University Education” for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Precis exercise on “Aim of University Education” If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of society. Its art is the art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world. It neither confines its views to particular professions on the one hand, nor creates heroes or inspires genius on the other. Works indeed of genius...
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Precis writing solved exercise with Title “Good Conversation” for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Precis exercise on “Good Conversation” Really good talk is one of the greatest pleasures and yet how rarely one comes across it. There are a good many people among my acquaintances who, on occasions, are capable of talking well. But what they seem to lack is initiative and deliberate purpose. If people would only look upon conversation in a more serious light, much would be gained. I do not of course...
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