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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Reading Maketh a full Man” Long, Short Essay for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams

Reading Maketh a full Man   Reading Maketh a full Man; Conference a ready man and writing an exact man Good books are storehouses of human knowledge and wisdom. Anyone who has the key can enter these store houses and help himself. What is the key ? Simply the ability to read. He who can read can store his mind with the great thoughts of the great thinkers of the world. The...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Thoughtless Alms giving” Long, Short Essay for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams

Thoughtless Alms giving The word “alms” comes from a Greek word meaning pity: and, apart form the idea of the religious duty of giving alms, all naturally kind hearted people find true joy in helping those whose poverty and distress move their pity. They learn the truth of the saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” But alms should be given carefully and thoughtfully; for thoughtless alms giving may...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Space Travel” Long, Short Essay for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams

Space Travel In October 1957, the world learnt of a new achievement by the Russian Scientists. They launched into outer space the first man made earth satellite, Sputnik, opening up possibilities of further space probe. A second, much larger satellite containing a dog, the famous Laika, was launched in November. These spectacular achievements of the Russians spurred on the Americans to launch their Explorer in January, 1958. In 1961, it was...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Who is a Gentleman?” Long, Short Essay for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams

Who is a Gentleman? A gentleman is a gentle man. In this connection, the word “gentle” means “noble”, as it does in the phrase “of gentle birth”. So, originally, a gentleman was one who, by birth and training, belonged to the upper classes. He was of noble blood. Then, because the social manners of the upper classes  were refined, as compared with those of the lower classes, anyone who knew how...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Public Speaking” Long, Short Essay for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams

Public Speaking Public speaking is an art; and, like every other art, it has to be learnt, both in practice and theory. For a man to say that he will never deliver a speech until he has learnt to speak, is like saying that he will never go into the water until he has learnt to swim. One cannot learn to swim with-out going into the water, and one can never...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Dignity of Labour” Long, Short Essay for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams

The Dignity of Labour Essay No. 01 By “labour” we generally mean manual work ; that is, work done with the hands, as distinguished from mental work, or work done with the head. In ancient times manual labour was looked down upon, and the manual worker was treated as an inferior being. Most ancient states were based upon slave-labour. Even the Greek city-states consisted of a small number of free citizens,...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Virtue of Prosperity is Temperance; The Virtue of Adversity is Fortitude” Long, Short Essay for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams

“The Virtue of Prosperity is Temperance; The Virtue of Adversity is Fortitude”  “Temperance” is moderation, or self-restraint in conduct and speech. It is the opposite to any kind of excess. When Bacon says that temperance is the virtue of prosperity he means that temperance is the virtue which a prosperous man should cultivate. It is the virtue most needed in prosperity ; not the virtue which prosperity produces. For in prosperity...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Contentment” Long, Short Essay for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams

Contentment Contentment is the state of being satisfied with one’s lot. The contented man is pleased with what he has. He does not make himself miserable by envying those who have what he has not. Such contentment breeds happiness. It is, therefore, worth cultivating; and this can be done. Even the Apostle Paul could say, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content”; and he had a...
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