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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “A Rational View of Industrialization” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
We all agree that the growth of industries will increase our material wealth and that our needs in terms of food, clothing and housing will be adequately provided. But man has other needs too-the need for human relationship, love and sympathy, the need for a sense of dignity and worth, and the need for a sense of security. These are also basic human needs, and if they are not satisfied, there...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Hindi as Medium of Higher Education” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
While Hindi is expected to be the official language for all-India use, it is forgotten that it is only an all-India medium of higher education hat can appropriately be such a language. For various reasons the universities have found it difficult to accept Hindi as the medium of higher education. The difficulty is accentuated by an unplanned and uncoordinated effort at displacing English. Some of the universities in the Hindi-speaking States...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Accidents by Cyclists: How to Avoid them” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Motorists are all agreed that the cyclist is a menace on our roads. What has the cyclist got to say to that? Of course, the cyclist throws the blame for the high toll of accidents on the driver of the faster and more dangerous vehicles. The fact remains that the accidents in which cyclists are concerned have greatly increased in the last few years. The rise in the number of motor-cars...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Recruitment by Open Competition” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
The introduction of the principle of open competition for the recruitment of official was an important event in the history of political development. Yet it is a principle that is not always clearly understood. It is widely held – and the view receives constant endorsement from well-known authorities on administrative matters-that open competition sets out to ensure the selection of the best available individuals for the public services, and consequently that...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
When acts are made punishable on the ground that those acts produce or are likely to produce certain evil effects, to what extent ought omissions, which produce or are likely to produce, the same evil effects, to be made punishable? Two things are evident: first, that some of these omissions ought to be punished in exactly the same manner in which acts are punished; secondly, that all these omissions ought not...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “State of Education in India” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
The state of education in India before the British occupation is, unfortunately, a favourite subject for political dissertations. This had led to a certain confusion of thought about the various types of indigenous teaching of which three were of importance in the eighteenth century. The ideal training for the Brahmin youth is of great antiquity and represents an extremely high standard of education. After assuming the sacred thread at the age...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Tipu’s Wars of Aggression” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Although, Tipu had long been recognized as successor to his father, and ascended the throne without opposition, it was still the throne of an usurper. For the maintenance of his authority, it was necessary to support a greater military establishment than the revenues of the country could afford, and the expedient which naturally presented itself was an extension of territory. Of his actual possessions too, much had been wrested from the...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Nelson Severely Wounded” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
In the act of stepping out of the boat, Nelson received a shot through the right elbow, and fell; but, as he fell, he caught the sword which he had just drawn, in his left hand, determined never to part with it while he lived, for it had belonged to his uncle. Captain Suckling and he valued it like a relic. Nisbet, who was close to him, placed him in the...
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